Opportunities to Support Duke University Press

To enable our mission-driven publishing work, we rely on individual and institutional contributions. We are grateful to the many authors who donate their royalties each year to sustain our publications and to our authors, readers, and other supporters who help make our work possible. We hope you will consider supporting our work through one of the six funds listed below.

Translation Fund


Duke University Press’s Translation Fund supports the translation of crucial intellectual work originally published in languages other than English. To date, this fund has supported eight translations of important works, including Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics (2019) and Françoise Vergès’ The Wombs of Women (2020).

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Scholars of Color First Book Fund


This fund supports books authored by scholars of color which show extraordinary promise as important scholarly interventions. This fund helps us maintain our commitment to publish works by rising stars and to celebrate books by scholars of color, especially those who might otherwise not receive recognition and support from their institutions. The fund supports production expenses, including the cost of indexing, which is ordinarily paid for by authors.

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The Lauren Berlant Fund for Utopian Thought

Photo of Lauren Berlant     

The Lauren Berlant Fund for Utopian Thought celebrates the life and work of long-time author Laurent Berlant. The Fund supports critical-creative and interdisciplinary books that take intellectual risks with both the conception and form of scholarly work, in order to discover how problems look different, and solutions look possible, when we show up to them differently––and together. Awards will be given annually by Duke University Press editors to titles that are distinguished by their creativity in thought and/or attentiveness to the challenges of working within their chosen form. The funds will be used to help cover production costs for the book and will help support the author’s costs as well.

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World Readers Fund


Our World Readers Fund supports the publication of our Latin America Readers and World Readers series––two series that involve extensive translation and permissions costs.  Books in these series provide vivid, thought-provoking introductions to the history, culture, and politics of countries, cities, and regions around the world. Each volume features dozens of original documents, most of which have been translated into English for the first time.

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Demography Journal Fund

Publishing the data of disparity and inequality on a regular basis, Demography, the flagship journal of the Population Association of America (PAA), is the quintessential Duke University Press publication. It disseminates peer-reviewed research designed to make the world a better and more equitable place for all. In 2020 Journal Citation Reports ranked Demography as #1 in citations and #2 in Impact Factor in its field. The 2021, 2022, 2023 volumes are published open access and starting in 2024, Demography is offered through a Subscribe to Open (S2O) model. The S2O model uses subscription payments to convert gated access journals to full open access (OA). Subscription fees support overhead publishing costs, and the current content for that year is made fully OA if the funding threshold is met. For information about institutional subscription, please contact orders@dukeupress.edu or view Demography 2024 Subscribe to Open Pricing

Individuals can support the journal by donating via Duke University Press Demography Journal Fund.

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Duke University Press General Publication Fund

As a non-profit publisher, our donors are critical to our continued success. Your gift will support the publication of cutting edge new books and journals.

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Are you interested in directing a major gift to an area of interest or making a planned gift? Email Duke University Press Director Dean Smith.