Preprint screening

Preprints not (immediately) targeting journal publication

Preprints not (immediately) targeting journal publication are screened by EGUsphere preprint moderators selected and endorsed by EGU council members and/or executive/chief editors of EGU's journals. The following screening criteria are applied to new submissions:

  • Your preprint must be of interest to the Earth, planetary, and space science community. It must be assigned to at least one of the EGUsphere topics.
  • Your preprint must contain a title, abstract, author names, and affiliations. At least one author must supply an email address for correspondence.
  • Only persons who have significantly contributed to the research and preprint preparation should be listed as authors. No fictitious names are allowed to be listed as authors or co-authors.
  • Your preprint must be clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
  • Your preprint must adhere to conventional standards of civil discourse and common decency.
  • You must fulfil basic technical requirements:
    • Completeness of PDF file (e.g., complete sentences and pages, availability of references);
    • Inclusion of page and line numbers;
    • Readability of figures and tables;
    • Readability of equations.
  • Your preprint must meet basic standards of scientific quality.
  • You must have secured the reproduction rights for figures, tables, maps, images, and aerials, if such materials are included in your preprint;
  • You must have included copyright statements or credits for maps, images, and aerials, according to the regulations of the provider;
  • Your preprint undergoes a similarity check. Moderators reserve the right to reject submissions should they deem fraud or plagiarism.
  • It is inappropriate for an author to submit preprints describing essentially the same research to more than one server to be posted simultaneously.

If authors have an issue with the screening process, then the first person to approach and address the issue is the moderator. If this moderator cannot address the issue, or if the issue relates to the moderator, then the author can approach the EGUsphere coordinator. In the ultimate case when the issue cannot be resolved by the EGUsphere coordinator, the author can contact the Chair of the EGU Publications Committee who acts as the Ombudsperson for publications.

Delayed EGU journal submission: should authors decide, during or after public discussion of their preprint, to submit to an EGU journal, editors of the selected journal will check the eligibility of the preprint based on the topical journal's review criteria. This is the same procedure as followed for preprints that directly aimed at publication in an EGU journal (see below).

Preprint screening walkthrough for moderators

Other preprint options

Preprints aimed at publication in an EGU journal as well as external preprints seeking publication in an EGU journal are screened by editors of the selected EGU topical journal and linked on EGUsphere after acceptance as preprint. The ensuing public discussion is then moderated by the assigned editor and referees are selected to comment on the preprint. Such preprints are evaluated based on the review criteria of the respective journal. Please visit the individual journal websites for more information.
