Портал славістики

Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists (BibSlavKon) (1929-2018)

The database contains bibliographical records of all known published papers presented on international congresses of Slavists which has been organized since 1929 when the First Congress of Slavonic Philologists took place in Prague.

The book bibliography of all congresses published by the Prague Slavonic Library (Slovanská knihovna) is the essence of the bibliography. The included records focus prevailingly on Slavonic linguistics and literary science, history, ethnology and other sciences. The total number of records is about 8550.

To perform a search in the database: here
To perform a direct search in the database (via widget): here
For browse through the database: here
To the list of all published volumes: here
To overview of the classification: here

The history of the Bibliography of International Congresses of Slavists

The Slavonic Library is one of the main Slavonic Libraries in the world. Since its creation in 1924, it has developed into an institution with extraordinarily valuable funds of Slavonic literature. Presently it contains about 800.000 documents.

In 1973, during the VIIth Congress of Slavists held in Warsaw, the International Committee of Slavists has designated the Slavonic Library as an information centre for recording and processing of materials relating to the International Congresses of Slavists. Since then the Library regularly collects bibliographic records of papers, co-papers, and proceedings of congresses, analytical surveys and items read or published on the occasion of particular International Congresses of Slavists. Also the retrospective lists till the 1st Congress of Slavic philologists held in 1929 have been published by the Library.

The last bibliography published as a book is the bibliography of the 13th International Congress of Slavists which took place in Ljubljana in 2003. Since the bibliography of the 14th International Congress of Slavists which took place in Ohrid (Macedonia) in 2008 all bibliographies have been published only in electronic form as a database.

The conversion of the printed Bibliographie into a database is a cooperation project of the Slavonic Library in Praha and the Slavistics Portal (Berlin State Library).
