Visiting Guest Lecturer Programme

Teaching opportunities

The EUGLOH Visiting Guest Lecturer Programme enables teachers to offer guest lectures and make it easy for course leaders to find lecturers among their EUGLOH colleagues. It may also enable contacts that can lead to the creation of joint courses, joint programmes, or transnational teaching innovation groups, or any other type of collaboration.

In the pilot phase of this programme, EUGLOH facilitates for course/module coordinators (mainly bachelor's and master's degree level, although other teaching activities can be considered) the participation of EUGLOH colleagues when teaching their subjects. The mobilities can be virtual, physical, or blended. A physical mobility can be funded by the Erasmus+ Programme at lecturer’s home university if it meets the Erasmus+ requirements.


Mobility of academic staff, either physical, blended, or virtual, is a key aspect in the internationalization of higher education and one of the main priorities of the European Commission in the field of education.

The teacher mobility will also become an important tool to improve the quality of the study programmes both in the sending and receiving institutions. It is expected to have a positive impact on the individual teaching skills and the career development of academic staff.

Teaching opportunities

  • If you wish to be Guest Lecturer, you should contact the proposer of the opportunity and agree on the details of the activity, mobility, etc.
  • If you have sent a proposal, and you find any mistake, please inform through EUGLOH UAH to correct it.
  • If you have any issue related to this programme, you can email your EUGLOH local contact to get support.
  • If you want your offer to receive a Guest Lecturer published here, please contact EUGLOH UAH. As offers are updated by the 15th of each month, it is required to get it earlier than the 1st of the month. On the contrary, it will be published the following month.
  • If you have participated as Guest Lecturer and you need a certificate of the activity, just contact the generic EUGLOH e-mail address at the hosting University and they will provide it.

Please, find below all the teaching opportunities classified by disciplines.
