Get started with Meta Pay

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Storing your payment info with Meta is only available in certain locations.
Meta Pay lets you make secure payments on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. We will continue to expand Meta Pay to more countries, apps, and people over time for a seamless payment experience across our apps.
Once you enter your payment method and account information, you can use Meta Pay to make purchases, send money or donate within Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger (Availability and use cases vary by country).
Please note: When you set up Meta Pay on Facebook, you can connect your payment information to Instagram for a seamless checkout experience. Or you can set up Meta Pay app-by-app (availability varies). Learn more about using Meta Pay across apps.
Saving your payment info with Meta Pay
If you’re using a credit card or debit card when you make a purchase, you can save your payment information with Meta Pay for future payments by moving the toggle to the right. You can always remove a saved payment method from Meta Pay.
Please see the community payments terms and payments privacy policy for more information. Our terms and privacy policy continue to apply.
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