miProfile™ Cancer miRNA qPCR Arrays

For focused group profiling of cancer-related miRNA expression

Introduction miProfile cancer miRNA qPCR arrays profile the expression of cancer-related miRNAs, which are carefully chosen for their close cancer correlation based on a thorough literature search of peer-reviewed publications. Arrays are available for expression profiling of specific types of cancer-related miRNAs or overall cancer-related miRNAs.


miRNAs are known for their extensive involvement in cancer development and progression and their altered pattern of expression may affect the cell cycle and survival program. The miProfile cancer arrays allow researchers to profile the differential expression of cancer-related miRNAs in normal tissues and various cancers to gain understanding of the role of miRNA in cancer pathogenesis as well as to identify or validate markers for cancer classification, diagnosis, and prognosis.


To view other miProfile miRNA qPCR arrays, click below:  

Key Advantages

Close cancer correlation
  • miRNAs are carefully chosen for their close cancer correlation based on a thorough literature search of peer-reviewed publications
Robust performance
  • Sensitive – Detect miRNA from as little as 10 pg of small RNA or 20 pg of total RNA
  • Specific – Be able to distinguish miRNAs with single nucleotide mismatches. Each primer set has been experimental validated for specific amplification
  • Broad linearity– Allow miRNA at varieties of expression level to be detected simultaneously
  • Reproducible – High reproducibility (R2>0.99) for inter-array and intra-array replicates
Validated miRNA primers
  • Each miRNA primer is designed using a proprietary algorithm and experimentally validated
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Select RT-PCR reagents

Buy Catalog# Product Description Price
QP029 All-in-One™ miRNA Universal Adaptor PCR Primer miRNA Universal Adaptor PCR Primer (use with All-in-One™ miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis kit QP017 or QP018) $59
QP115 All-in-One™ miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kit 2.0 Poly A Polymerase, RTase Mix, qPCR Mix, ROX Reference Dye, Universal Adaptor PCR Primer and other buffers (for use with miRNA qPCR primers) $395
QP116 All-in-One™ miRNA qRT-PCR Detection Kit 2.0 Poly A Polymerase, RTase Mix, qPCR Mix, ROX Reference Dye, Universal Adaptor PCR Primer and other buffers (for use with miRNA qPCR primers) $985
QP117 All-in-One™ miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 2.0 for miRNA qPCR array Poly A Polymerase, RTase Mix, PAP/RT buffer, spike-in control (for use with miRNA qPCR arrays) $225
QP118 All-in-One™ miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 2.0 for miRNA qPCR array Poly A Polymerase, RTase Mix, PAP/RT buffer, spike-in control (for use with miRNA qPCR arrays) $515