
All those who play for the prizes in the "Schupra" competition can only be admired. They are the chameleons of the art of piano playing, who must equally master sight-reading, score playing, spontaneous transposition, song playing, songwriting and the high school of improvisation. And on top of all this is the ability to sing beautifully, with equal variability.

In each Schupra round, a different ability is required, just as the prospective music teachers should know how to inspire their students with their own versatility and joy in making music. Especially in the third and final round of the competition, when improvisational skills are called for, one could sometimes get the impression that one was sitting in a New York jazz club instead of in the Am Palais hall.

As President of the University of Music, I am very grateful to the Carl Bechstein Foundation for taking on the support of this performance comparison of school music students at German music academies.

Not least this patronage makes possible every two years a fascinating forum for the encounter of talent and passion, of creativity and spontaneity. Here, a free spirit prevails that shapes the music in the moment of its creation and always has the listeners on the "other side" - in the concert hall as well as in the classroom - in mind. For artistry in the subject of school practical piano playing always has a pedagogical component in the question: for whom am I playing right now, and how can I make a connection?

The answer is obvious in the "Schupra" competition: first and foremost for the jury and for the audience, but secondly also to test and hone one's own skills. Because the competition is a test run for one's own competencies in music education. For the audience in the Saal Am Palais, the bottom line is the great pleasure of watching these young virtuosos apply their "craft" - and being inspired by many a rousing, humorous and lively contribution. This is not to be missed!

Prof. Anne-Kathrin Lindig
President of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar
