A person holding a snowboard on a bridge with icy mountain background.

Benedetta Landi

About me

I’m passionate about reducing inequalities and ensuring the respect of human rights worldwide. My pragmatic nature ensures I stay grounded in reality, but I always push my limits by dreaming big. While I consider myself a determined and proactive person, I have a sunny disposition and approach life with a positive attitude. On a personal level, I love traveling as it allows me to embrace new cultures and learn from diverse experiences. I’m also very sporty and teach sailing to share my love for the sport with others. I cherish spending time with my friends as it brings me joy, support and a sense of belonging. 

shapeBenedetta Landi
case2Master’s student
studentMaster in International Development
Three women smiling and standing together in front of a modern building with glass facade and a water feature.

"With a deep passion for human rights and a desire to reduce inequalities and eliminate discrimination, I decided to undertake the Master in International Development at IE University."

Benedetta Landi

Empowered to fight discrimination and inequality

Benedetta Landi’s passion for human rights has always been evident in her academic and professional path. She attended an international school in Milan, where she was born and raised. She went on to get her bachelor’s degree in politics and international studies in the UK, enjoying a year-long exchange in Paris during her studies there.

These diverse experiences only expanded her global mindset, planting the seed for a successful international career. Her first foray into the real world of work was at a financial literacy foundation where she oversaw institutional and European relations as a project manager.

But at the back of her mind, her dedication to fighting inequality and discrimination was an ever-present driving force. She soon started looking for opportunities to gain the skills to build a career in this area. That choice eventually led her to IE University, where the Master in International Development seemed the right fit. 

For Benedetta, the program offered everything she was looking for. Its curriculum covered the social, economic and political aspects of sustainable international development, providing a well-rounded skill set. It also gave her the chance to focus on her area of interest through various specialization tracks, namely Governance & Social Inclusion; Environmental Politics and Climate Action; Finance, Trade and Business for Sustainable Development; and Development Innovation & Emerging Technologies.

These elements drew her to the Master in International Development in the first place. But what really cemented her choice was the program’s diverse, international nature. According to Benedetta, the diverse student body inspired her imagination: “I was excited by the possibility of collaborating with individuals who shared a common goal but had completely diverse perspectives, backgrounds and cultures,” she says. 

“I am passionate about reducing inequality on a global scale and ensuring the respect of human rights worldwide.”

Even more exciting, though, was the opportunity to learn from leading development experts. The program is designed jointly with professionals from the United Nations Systems Staff College (UNSSC), strengthening its legitimacy and global prestige. Combined with IE University’s “open-minded and engaging approach,” Benedetta was confident she found the right program for her goals. “I am very proud of my choice.”

Throughout her Master in International Development, Benedetta enjoyed Madrid's “dynamism, vibrancy and rich history.” Deeply curious and always ready to learn, she quickly found her place in the IE Community. “I treasure the friendships I forged during the program and hold on to them tightly,” she explains. These bonds—shaped through shared experiences and deep, ongoing conversations—have broadened her outlook and left her with many fond memories.

Benedetta completed the program in 2022; since then, she’s pursued her love for research and now applies her skills at a think tank focused on social and geopolitical matters. Her desire for positive impact continues to shape her long-term professional goals, and she’s making big strides in achieving those objectives.

To future students of the program, her advice is simple: “Stay curious and get involved.” For Benedetta, this means being open to meeting new people, sharing ideas and insights and building lasting relationships. Further, she encourages them to become deeply embedded in IE University’s diverse, global network and to take advantage of its benefits by attending regular meetings and sessions with notable academics and industry leaders. Her parting word? “Enjoy the journey!”
