
Safeguarding Private Information

The Industry Documents Library (IDL) conforms to the privacy practices detailed in the UCSF Library Privacy Policy and in the UCSF Information Security and Confidentiality Policy (650-16).

The IDL website uses the industry-standard security protocol known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Collection and Storage of User Data

When a user browses the Industry Documents Library, executes searches, or downloads documents, certain information about the visit may be gathered and stored including: 

If a user chooses to create a free IDL user account, personally identifiable and other information may be gathered and stored to provide IDL services, including:

User account data is stored securely, and access to this information is restricted to staff who require it to support IDL services. User data is stored for as long as a user continues to have an account. Users who wish to delete their account and any saved user data should contact

The IDL does not track the searches or document requests of individual users except as described with user account data.

Use of Data

The information may be collected to improve IDL website user experience, for troubleshooting, and to assess system performance. We also aggregate data for statistical reports, such as the number of visitors that use the site on a monthly or yearly basis. This information is discarded or anonymized as soon as is practical. The IDL currently uses Google Analytics to collect and aggregate website data. If you wish to opt out of this analytics service, please visit these sites: Google Analytics, Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on.

Data collected for user-requested accounts is gathered solely for the purposes of creating and maintaining individual user accounts, providing IDL services within the account, and sending necessary communications.

Document Review and Redaction

Most of the documents in the IDL were created as internal records by corporate entities, including companies in the tobacco, opioid, drug, chemical, food, and fossil fuel industries. Many of these documents are subject to public disclosure by order of the Court, under the terms of settlement agreements reached in litigation, or have been released through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or public records requests.

UCSF and its partners take great care to ensure that any protected information is identified and redacted before documents are made public, while also ensuring that data of crucial relevance to these cases, and to transparency and accountability, remain open. However, these documents may still contain personal information (such as addresses, phone numbers, or social security numbers) related to patients, employees, or other individuals which may be considered protected data under applicable state and federal law.

Takedown Policy

If you encounter personal information in the document collections which you believe should be redacted or removed, please contact us immediately via the web form or email Please see our Takedown Policy for more information.
