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The Laboratory of Robotics and Autonomous Systems is located in the ISEP and FEUP campus, with dedicated facilities for mobile robotics research, teaching and promotion.

Its mission addresses the development of innovative robotic solutions for operation in complex environments for multiple operations, including data gathering, inspection, mapping, surveillance, or intervention.

As a research lab in an academic environment it fosters undergraduate research, supports multiple courses in the ISEP engineering course offering and academic activities.

Research Areas

Research Areas

  • Autonomous navigation;
  • Long term deployments;
  • Sensing, mapping, and intervention;
  • Multiple platform operations.


The following equipment is available at the Laboratory:

  • ISEP

The ISEP facilities have a 600 sq meters free indoor area for robot development and test (including robotic soccer field, rescue and urban robotics scenarios, UAV construction areas and other spaces).

Included is also a marine robotics test tank with 5m depth and 10m long x 6m wide. This tank allows testing of surface aquatic systems along with underwater robotic ones.

Two teaching labs and one classroom support the education activities, either integrated in ISEP engineering course offerings or in specialized formation plans and courses.

Additional facilities support the research such as dedicated micro-soldering room, PCB fabrication, machine workshop, admnistrative support and research labs.

  • FEUP

The FEUP facilities have 70 sq meters that includes a test tank with 4.5m length, 4.5m wide and 2m depth where underwater systems will be tested.

Centres and Stakeholders


CentreRobotics and Autonomous Systems


PolytechnicSchool of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Porto