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Table pub.mgd.prb_allele_strain
Defines relationship between a defined RFLV Allele (PRB_Allele) and a Strain. An RFLV Allele may have one or more Strains associated with it.

See PRB_Allele, PRB_RFLV, PRB_Strain.

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
_allelestrain_key serial 10  √  nextval('prb_allele_strain_seq'::regclass) primary key
_allele_key int4 10
prb_allele._allele_key prb_allele_strain__allele_key_fkey C
foreign key to PRB_Allele
_strain_key int4 10
prb_strain._strain_key prb_allele_strain__strain_key_fkey R
foreign key to PRB_Strain
_createdby_key int4 10 1001
mgi_user._user_key prb_allele_strain__createdby_key_fkey R
user who created the record
_modifiedby_key int4 10 1001
mgi_user._user_key prb_allele_strain__modifiedby_key_fkey R
user who last modified the record
creation_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was created
modification_date timestamp 29,6 now() date record was last modified

Table contained 138,903 rows at Mon Sep 11 06:12 EDT 2023

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
_allelestrain_key Primary key Asc prb_allele_strain_pkey
_allele_key + _strain_key Must be unique Asc/Asc prb_allele_strain_idx_clustered
_createdby_key Performance Asc prb_allele_strain_idx_createdby_key
_modifiedby_key Performance Asc prb_allele_strain_idx_modifiedby_key
_strain_key Performance Asc prb_allele_strain_idx_strain_key

Close relationships  within of separation: