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Policy - Immigration


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Immigration policy is really innovation policy. Immigrants whose entrepreneurship turned their startups into household names founded some of today’s most admired technology companies.

However, the current U.S. immigration system is failing to meet the needs of today’s economy and is not equipped to prepare for tomorrow’s demands. Immigration reform must enable the kind of innovation and job creation that fulfills the demands of tomorrow’s economy. The reality of the global marketplace means competition for talent is global as well. ITI is a leading advocate before the U.S. Congress and key federal agencies for immigration reforms that improve the ability of U.S.-based companies to recruit and retain highly-skilled foreign graduates and professionals.

Effective reforms are needed to make it easier for the world’s best talent to work in the U.S. alongside the innovators, entrepreneurs, and talented individuals in the domestic workforce. These improvements will help U.S. businesses to grow and create jobs, while providing effective protections for American workers.

High-skilled immigration reform

Immigration reform must help to close the skills gap that exist today, while accelerating the creation of new jobs and knowledge-driven businesses. Due to an outdated immigration system, hundreds of thousands of highly-skilled workers are stuck in a green card backlog that inhibits their professional development and contribution to U.S. economic growth. A number of countries are capitalizing on U.S. outdated policies by pursuing programs to attract entrepreneurs educated in U.S. universities to instead compete against us in the global marketplace.

High-skilled immigration reform must also invest in effective U.S. education and training programs that will prepare future innovators and entrepreneurs to advance U.S. global leadership and success.

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