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A Machine Learning Model to Predict Patients’ Adherence Behavior and a Decision Support System for Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

A Machine Learning Model to Predict Patients’ Adherence Behavior and a Decision Support System for Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

The tuning of the model permits adding additional predictors (personality traits, self-efficacy for coping with cancer, sense of coherence, pain, anxiety, depression, risk perception, and Qo L) known to influence medication adherence behavior and that are not available retrospectively [10]. These data are used to improve the predictive power of the machine learning model and its capacity to profile patients’ adherence behaviors and to provide an individual risk value of nonadherence.

Marianna Masiero, Gea Elena Spada, Virginia Sanchini, Elisabetta Munzone, Ricardo Pietrobon, Lucas Teixeira, Mirtha Valencia, Aline Machiavelli, Elisa Fragale, Massimo Pezzolato, Gabriella Pravettoni

JMIR Res Protoc 2023;12:e48852

The Relationship Between Personality Traits, Psychopathological Symptoms, and Problematic Internet Use: A Complex Mediation Model

The Relationship Between Personality Traits, Psychopathological Symptoms, and Problematic Internet Use: A Complex Mediation Model

To date, there have been relatively few mediation or moderation models examining the complex associations and interactions between personality traits, internet addiction, and other variables. Researchers have examined the associations between specific personality traits and problematic internet use via coping strategies [21]. Additionally, personality traits have been shown to mediate the impact of time spent online on internet addiction [36].

Beatrix Koronczai, Gyöngyi Kökönyei, Mark D Griffiths, Zsolt Demetrovics

J Med Internet Res 2019;21(4):e11837

Using Computer Simulations for Investigating a Sex Education Intervention: An Exploratory Study

Using Computer Simulations for Investigating a Sex Education Intervention: An Exploratory Study

The primary purpose of this study was to explore the potential of computer simulation as a serious game for sex education and how the effects of a serious game might be moderated by personality traits, age, and gender. The research questions were (1) Do gender, age, and personality traits influence levels of confidence in evaluating sexual risk? (2) Does a simulation in the form of a serious game influence participants’ confidence regarding the assessment of sexual risk?

Anastasia Eleftheriou, Seth Bullock, Cynthia A Graham, Roger Ingham

JMIR Serious Games 2017;5(2):e9

Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women BOUNCE Back: Protocol for a Multicenter Clinical Pilot Study

Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women BOUNCE Back: Protocol for a Multicenter Clinical Pilot Study

In addition to sociodemographic characteristics, other internal (eg, personality traits, dispositional optimism, and self-efficacy) and external (eg, social support) factors may affect the resilience of patients with cancer [15]. For example, adopting cognitive regulation strategies may help patients cope with strong emotions in order to not get overwhelmed and avoid stressful outcomes [19,20].

Greta Pettini, Virginia Sanchini, Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Berta Sousa, Marianna Masiero, Chiara Marzorati, Viviana Enrica Galimberti, Elisabetta Munzone, Johanna Mattson, Leena Vehmanen, Meri Utriainen, Ilan Roziner, Raquel Lemos, Diana Frasquilho, Fatima Cardoso, Albino J Oliveira-Maia, Eleni Kolokotroni, Georgios Stamatakos, Riikka-Leena Leskelä, Ira Haavisto, Juha Salonen, Robert Richter, Evangelos Karademas, Paula Poikonen-Saksela, Ketti Mazzocco

JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(10):e34564

Cancer Pain Experience Through the Lens of Patients and Caregivers: Mixed Methods Social Media Study

Cancer Pain Experience Through the Lens of Patients and Caregivers: Mixed Methods Social Media Study

First, given that the data were retrieved from an online social network, demographics and user personal characteristics (eg, personality, anxiety, depression, etc) were missing from our analyses. As for interpersonal characteristics, we could not match patients to their caregivers. The source of the data (the cancer subreddit) did not provide such information.

Chiara Filipponi, Mariam Chichua, Marianna Masiero, Davide Mazzoni, Gabriella Pravettoni

JMIR Cancer 2023;9:e41594

Emotional Reactions to Cybersecurity Breach Situations: Scenario-Based Survey Study

Emotional Reactions to Cybersecurity Breach Situations: Scenario-Based Survey Study

To better understand the emotion dimensions involved in this scenario, we evaluate whether and how characteristics of personality are related to the reported emotional experience. To this end, we have worked with 2 broad personality models that have been shown in the past to relate to emotional functioning: the Big Five personality model [17] and the resilient/overcontrolled/undercontrolled personality type model [18,19].

Sanja Budimir, Johnny R J Fontaine, Nicole M A Huijts, Antal Haans, George Loukas, Etienne B Roesch

J Med Internet Res 2021;23(5):e24879

Motivating Adherence to Exercise Plans Through a Personalized Mobile Health App: Enhanced Action Design Research Approach

Motivating Adherence to Exercise Plans Through a Personalized Mobile Health App: Enhanced Action Design Research Approach

Participants with a feeling personality type rated both emotional and logical messages higher than participants with a thinking personality type. The messages used in the final field experiment are presented in Multimedia Appendix 1.

Ruo-Ting Sun, Wencui Han, Hsin-Lu Chang, Michael J Shaw

JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(6):e19941

Personality, Attitudes, and Behaviors Predicting Perceived Benefit in Online Support Groups for Caregivers: Mixed Methods Study

Personality, Attitudes, and Behaviors Predicting Perceived Benefit in Online Support Groups for Caregivers: Mixed Methods Study

The personality traits found to be of the highest relevance in predicting OSG use and perceived benefit were extraversion [12], agreeableness [13-15], and neuroticism [14,16]. The openness and conscientiousness personality traits were not widely found to be predictors of OSG use or benefits. More specifically, Pornsakulvanich [13] found that of the Big Five personality traits, agreeableness positively predicted satisfaction (a construct closely related to perceived benefit) from online social support.

Athena Milios, Ting Xiong, Karen McEwan, Patrick McGrath

JMIR Nursing 2022;5(1):e36167

Digital Inequality During a Pandemic: Quantitative Study of Differences in COVID-19–Related Internet Uses and Outcomes Among the General Population

Digital Inequality During a Pandemic: Quantitative Study of Differences in COVID-19–Related Internet Uses and Outcomes Among the General Population

Some frequently observed personal categorical inequalities are gender, age, personality, and health [7]. Earlier research revealed that men and women differ in their internet activities; women are more likely to use email and social media, whereas men are more likely to use the internet to obtain information [17,18]. Age in general has a negative impact on all types of internet uses and outcomes [7].

Alexander JAM van Deursen

J Med Internet Res 2020;22(8):e20073
