Research & Development

The University carries out its research and development activities within the framework of the applied research service model of RIQ & Lead.

The model is based on the service science and service quality perspectives. An essential element of this model is that it builds on the EU, national and local program development of multilevel governance research and innovation, cohesion, small businesses, services and social innovation. The research strategy is tailored to EU programming, refining the actual research tasks into its two-year call cycles.

R&DRIQ & Lead ™ applied research service model
The 4 main elements of the KJU model:
  • (R)Research: Vision, strategy and programs of well-being-centered convergent research along with interdisciplinary platforms
  • (I) Innovative Research Centers Mission-Centered and Vision-Centered Research and Impacts
  • (Q) Excellent and innovative research organization services and processes
  • Lead: Impacts and outcomes (user-centered research) with responsible leadership processes

Profile development, service model development, brand development and community development form the four basic perspectives: professional development of the knowledge economy as a business, creation of service packages, techniques of branding based on new technologies and development of a culture of effective communication and successful behavior.

Research Units

  • Creative Industry and Management Research Institute
  • Functional Food and Health Development Research Institute
  • Intercultural and Transcultural Global Englishes Research Group
  • Inter-Regional Studies Research Institute
  • Institute for Applied Informatics Research
  • Institute for Comparative Democracy Research
  • Institute for the Study of Memory Policy and Historiography
  • Responsible Tourism Research Institute
  • Service and Knowledge Economy Research and Development Institute
  • Social Innovation Research Institute

Research activities in figures

Education-related research and publications (based on the official database of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2020

Types (scientific, educational, artistic) Total Hungarian Foreign
Journal Article 111 80 31
Book excerpt 84 68 16
Book 26 20 6
Conference publication 3 0 3
Else 29 26 3
Creation 14 14 0
Research data 6 5 1

Publications by KJU Fields of Study, Academic Year 2018-2019

Domains 2018 2019
English Studies 20 9
Business and Management 5 2
Informatics and Mathematics 8 35
Communication and Media Studies 8 12
Cultural Studies + Nexon 11 14
Human Development Studies 17 10
International Studies/History 39 34
Tourism 20 24
Total 128 140

Significant KJU publications

Student Talent Nurturing

OTDK -National Scientific Student Conference - the scientific student movement has been operating in Hungary for 70 years. Its essence is the creative collaboration of the teacher and the student, which is a specific form of talent nurturing and in higher education. Its aim is to provide scientific workshops and thus high-quality additional knowledge and creative opportunities for undergraduate students who, in addition to their higher education studies, are ready to raise additional capital to realize their professional and/or scientific career dreams. KJU students have been among the national laureates since 2000.

In 2020 KJU has opened the institutional stage of the national talent nurturing system to all international students with personalized mentoring from the professors of the Department of International Interdisciplinary Studies.

KJU Students’ OTDK Achievements Read more

2020 -2021
7 students passed the institutional stage and will represent KJU at the national level          

KJU Laureates

Ivett Mészáros -  3rd  place
Tourism- Innovations in Accommodation and Hospitality Section
Paper: ‘Philosophy and Practice in Community Accommodation Sharing - The Catering Practice of Couchsurfing in Budapest’
Mentor: Dr. Tamas Regi Ph.D

Kitti Boros - 2nd place
Economics Section
Paper: ‘Impact Analysis of the Daimler AG Group Memeber Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary LTD’
Mentor: Dr. Matyas Hinek Ph.D

Gyula Speck - 3rd place
Social and International Studies Section
Paper: 'Boko Haram Rebellion after the 2015 Elections'
Mentor: Dr. Viktor Marsai Ph.D

Bernadett Jani-Demetriou - special award
Learning Methodology, Multicultural Education Section
Paper: 'Bilingual Children Learning a Third Language'
Mentor: Dr. Judit Szito Ph.D

International Week

The International Week is a thematic module that is integrated into all KJU majors’ curricula, and it is organized twice every academic year.

It aims at providing an intercultural experience for both students and teachers, in addition to bringing together representatives, professors and researchers from our international partner institutions. The programs include a series of lectures, masterclasses and workshops offered by international faculty. Organized in a blended form, it offers both face-to-face and online participation without boundaries. Read more

Within the confines of the international event, KJU organizes an annual international scientific conference with post-conference publication.

Past Conferences:

2019. Global Trends: New Challenges to Economic, Social and Cultural Development

2018. Prospects for Well-being in an Uncertain Future: Challenges for University Research and Education Using European and Global Foresight Trends

2017.New Approaches for International Quality Education

2016.Responsible Business Tourism Development and the Role of Education in Responsible Thinking

2015. Comparative Regionalism: Challenges of Regional International Politics

2014. Inclusive Society-Wellbeing-Participation

2011. Territorial Dimensions of Social Work in the Development of Quality Services

International Projects

2022 -2023: MAP- Mapping Digital Methods Applied in Adult Education in Partnership (Erasmus+ KA220 ADU Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education)
2021 - 2022: Cultural and geopolitical conflicts of globalization and anti-globalization processes in different regional experiences  (Pallas Athéné Domus Meriti Foundation)

2020 - 2022: Art Nouvea-Interreg project: Strengthening the cultural identity of the Danube region by building on the common heritage of ART NOUVEAU (Interreg)

2020 - 2021: Using digital technologies to serve the community (Ministry of Human Resources)

2019 - 2020: Back To Learning - Developing key competence of adults for high-quality learning opportunities (Goverment office of Békés County, Erasmus+)

2018 - 2020: TOURiBOOST – Reorienting tourism education with digital, social and intercultural competencies to support local stakeholders tackle strategic innovation in heritage tourism (Erasmus+)

2012 - 2013: Barefoot Trainer (Erasmus LLP - Leonardo da Vinci)

2011 - 2012: Innovation in LLL Tourist Guide Training Tourist guides as partners for a sustainable, diverse and exciting Europe!(Erasmus LLP - Leonardo da Vinci)

Bachelor programs Master programs Apply now!
Budapest International Campus
1117 Budapest,
Prielle Kornélia u. 47-49.
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