Course Catalogue 2024/2025 Fall Semester

Basic information

Language of conduct: all courses are offered in English.

Choice of courses: Within the list of courses offered, students are mostly free to choose based on their preferences independent of their field of study.

For further detailed information please get in contact with KJU's International Program Coordinators at

Course registration deadline: 06/09/2024
You can register your courses for yourself in the Neptun system (study system of Kodolányi János University) until this day.

Course changes deadline: 20/09/2024
Students are allowed to make changes in their Learning Agreement until this day. Changes made after the deadline are not approved. Changes shall also be registered in Neptun.

Thematic weeks:
Kodolányi János University offers a thematic weeks for students every semester. During this week no regular classes are held, however special, on-site and off-site lectures and programs are offered. Participation is obligatory on this week as it is part of the study semester requirements.

Courses only for English Language Majors:
These courses are offered by the Department for English Language and Literature for those students only whose major is English Language. Due to this the lecture titles are in Hungarian, however the lecture itself is held in English. 
Important! In case of courses, an English Language Placement Test must be taken as a precondition of taking them up. During application the International Program Coordinator will inform all students who have to take this test.
Certain courses have both a lecture and a seminar. In case of these courses, attendance in both classes is obligatory to get grades at the end of the semester!

List of offered courses

RECOMMENDED MAJOR: English Language Studies
AN290 British History (Brit történelem és országismeret) 6 English Language Placement Test
AN336 English Literary Text Analysis(Angol irodalmi szövegelemzés) 5
AN342 Culture of the US and Canada(Szabadon választható ismeretek 2. /USA és Kanada kultúrája/) 6
AN357 History of the English Language and Varieties of British English(Angol nyelvtörténet és brit nyelvi változatok) 5
AN358 History of the English Language and Varieties of American English(Angol nyelvtörténet és az amerikai nyelvváltozatok) 5
AN216 Post 2nd World War American Literature(A II. világháború utáni amerikai irodalom) 5
NIK165 ICT in the IT-security 5  
NIK153 Databases I. 5  
NIK154 System operation 5  
NIK155 Programming II 5  
NIK156 System planning 5  
RECOMMENDED MAJOR: Ba/MSc in Business and All majors 
NIK 021 Advanced Research and Communication 5  
NIK 028 Responsible Strategic Leadership & Management 5  
NIK 026 Business & Enterprise Development Theories 5  
NIK 041 Corporate Finance 5  
RECOMMENDED MAJOR: Ba/MSc in Tourism and All majors 
NIK80 Creativity and Innovation in Tourism 5  
NIK81 Gastronomy 5  
NIK135 Sustainable Tourism Development 5  
  Principles of Tourism 5  
  Responsible Tourism Management 5  
RECOMMENDED MAJORS: Ba/MSc in International Relations and All majors
NIK 75 Politics and Policies of the EU 5  
NIK 114 European Union Economic Area 5  
NIK 115 EU Regional Community Diplomacy & External Services 5  
NIK 116 Geopolitics & International Security Challenges 5  
NIK 117 Perspectives, Theories and Approaches in IR Analyses 5  
NIK 25 Innovation Policies and Management 5  
NIK 27 Comparative Regionalism 5  
NIK 38 International Security Challenges 5  
NIK 39 Comparative & Cosmopolitan Law 5  

Bachelor programs Master programs Apply now!
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