From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 2 User Interface Design

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Configure Material Design theme colors

Configure Material Design theme colors

- [Instructor] We'll be working with this sample project to see the impact that styles and themes have on an application. It consists of a few different types of widgets. This will allow you to get a feel for how styles and colors work. We have a checkbox, a seek bar, a few buttons, a switch, as well as a floating action button. Now, I'm not a designer, but I can create visually pleasing app themes using the material design palette. You select any two combinations of colors and it generates a color palette for you that you can use with material design. Let's try it out. I'll pick indigo and lime. Over to the right, we see a small preview of what the colors would look like in our app, and down here in the lower right, we have the option to download this in various formats. For our app, we're going to choose brown and deep orange as our colors. Let's come back over here to the left, and we'll choose brown, and then…
