Research institutes

Care and Public Health Research Institute

Our aim is to create a healthy society for everyone. We are doing this by providing high quality research to improve the individual quality of life and innovate healthcare and public health. Building a bridge between our research and society has our highest priority.

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CAPHRI's Self Evaluation 2017-2022

CAPHRI Part A Self-Evaluation Report

CAPHRI Part B - Research Lines Self-Evaluation Reports

CAPHRI has six research lines. In the reports below you can find their mission, vision and strategy over the period 2017-2022. You can find the research lines reports in the links below. 



Voorkant paginas self evaluation report

CAPHRI's Case Studies Self-Evaluation Report

The CAPHRI case studies booklet contains the scientific and societal impact of CAPHRI in narratives. You can find the case studies in the link below. 



Voorkant paginas self evaluation report

Programme Visitation 2023

The site-visit by the External Review Committee will take place on November 29th and 30th, 2023. You can find the programme of the visitation in the link below. 



Voorkant paginas self evaluation report

Report of the External Review Committee CAPHRI

In November 2023, an External Review Committee has assessed our research institute. We have received the long-awaited report from the External Review Committee, which we are proud to share with the CAPHRI community. The report contains important findings and recommendations for the institute’s future direction. We are proud that the chair of the ERC states “I speak for the entire committee in congratulating CAPHRI in ensuring a very good level of performance across the following assessment criteria: research quality, societal relevance, and viability.”

In response, CAPHRI will present an action plan to the Executive Board of the University within the next six months. The aim is to further enhance the insititute’s research activities and strategic goals.



Voorkant paginas self evaluation report

Science Story: Vitamin G - A green environment for nursing home residents

hilde verbeek

Green care are farms offer a completely different environment than a traditional nursing home. Hilde Verbeek's team is investigating the positive elements of green care farms and how these can be translated into other forms of nursing home care.

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PhD opportunities at CAPHRI

PhD candidate

CAPHRI is known for its comprehensive PhD training programme for young talented scientists. Our PhD candidates are making a significant contribution to care and public health issues, working on projects that are changing the world around us.

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Show the importance of public health, especially now!

With an inspiring campaign in Maastricht, Public Health students of Maastricht University have contributed to the launch of the global initiative 'This is Public Health' (TIPH). Their goal? To showcase what public health is and why it is so vitally important for promoting and protecting the health and wellbeing of our communities.

Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+) logo

CAPHRI works in close cooperation with the Maastricht University Medical Center+ (MUMC+). MUMC+ is known both nationally and internationally for its focus on prevention and taking an integrated approach to health care: from prevention, promotion of good health, and basic care, to top-level clinical diagnostics and treatment. Patient safety is our top priority in all of our endeavours. MUMC+ is part of The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres.

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CAPHRI, Care and Public Health Research Institute

+31 (0)43 3882314