25 June 2024
Catalysts Receives an Increased CiteScore of 6.8

We are pleased to inform you that Catalysts (ISSN: 2073-4344) has received a heightened CiteScore of 6.8.

CiteScore provides transparent metrics that enable well-informed publishing strategy, library collection development, and the benchmarking of journal performance. It is now a standard citation metric alongside SNIP and SJR that gives an up-to-date view of a journal’s impact.

The 2023 CiteScore provides an assessment of the scientific influence of journals in the 2020 to 2023 period.

This is a reflection of the excellent performance, support, and dedication of all journal editors, reviewers, authors, and readers.

Catalysts’ CiteScore ranks as follows:

  • Q1 (54 out of 233) in the “Environmental Science” category; 
  • Q2 (48 out of 189) in the “Chemistry” category; 
  • Q2 (34 out of 68) in the “Chemical Engineering” category.

For more journal statistics, please visit https://www.mdpi.com/journal/catalysts/stats.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the journal.

Catalysts Editorial Office

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