CTC-A - Center for Translational & Clinical Research

The CTC-A was founded by the RWTH Aachen Faculty of Medicine as a operative service institution to support patient-oriented research.

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IZKF - Core Facilities

Genomics Facility © Copyright: B. Denecke

The core facilities provide valuable resources for a cost effective and high-quality research environment by operating.

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RWTH Centralized Biomaterial Database

© Copyright: www.medilor.de

Biomaterial databases are a central instrument in clinical research at university hospitals and their faculties of medicine.

more...zu: RWTH Centralized Biomaterial Database


Electronic lab book eLabJournal

The electronic lab notebook eLabJournal offers many advantages over traditional paper-based solutions for GWP-compliant documentation of your research, such as full-text search, audit trails and timestamps, or backups.

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