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Many years before you have a stroke or notice dementia, uncontrolled high blood pressure narrows your arteries, decreasing blood to your brain. If you're a Black man 28-45, take charge of your health today. Because nobody can lower your risk of stroke and dementia like you.

African American man laughing

Many years before you have a stroke or notice dementia, uncontrolled high blood pressure narrows your arteries, decreasing blood to your brain. If you're a Black man 28-45, take charge of your health today. Because nobody can lower your risk of stroke and dementia like you.

Nobody Can Lower Your Risk of Stroke & Dementia Like You

Many people with high blood pressure know that they could be at risk for stroke and heart attack. However, too many people, despite what they may know, still struggle to get their blood pressure under control. Now a new risk of high blood pressure is emerging: the connection between uncontrolled blood pressure and dementia. Important new studies link high blood pressure, especially in midlife, to an increased risk for dementia later in life.

Scientists are working hard to learn more about this connection. In the meantime, don’t take unnecessary risks. Keep your blood pressure under control.

Mind Your Risks®

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