MPII Multi-Kinect Dataset

In this project we explore the benefit of using multiple depth cameras (Microsoft Kinect) for object localization [1]. We provide MPII Multi-Kinect Dataset, a novel dataset which is collected with four Kinect cameras simultaneously in a kitchen environment.



The data is only to be used for scientific purposes and must not be republished other than by Max Planck Institue for Informatics. The scientific use includes processing the data and showing it in publications and presentations. When using it please cite [1].


The authors would like to thank the annotators for the effort they put into this project, among others: 
Florin Haque.


[1] 3D Object Detection with Multiple Kinects, W. Susanto, M. Rohrbach and B. Schiele, 2nd Workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision (ECCV workshop), October, (2012)
