
Annual Report

Annual Report Latest Issue Cover


Table of Contents

  • Research Updates
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Facilities
  • New Faculty
  • Research, Machine Learning
  • Research, Ana Dyreson
  • In Memoriam
  • Student Success
  • Alumni Profile and Activity
  • Graduates
  • Faculty Awards and Honors
  • Patents and Publications
  • Donors
  • Grants and Contracts


eNewsBrief Latest Issue Cover

September 2023

Volume 19

Issue 3

Table of Contents

  • A Note from the Chair
  • Upcoming Events
  • Past Events
  • Faculty and Staff Awards and Accomplishments
  • Student Accomplishments and Awards
  • Alumni and Friends News, Accomplishments, and Awards
  • Graduate Seminar Speaker Series
  • Student Competitions and Team Awards
  • University News/Awards
  • Contracts and Grants
  • Senior Capstone Design Update

Select Faculty Publications
