Supplementary Figure 1: Representative FACS analysis of Lipidtox staining from the floating layer from adipose tissue digestion. | Nature Cell Biology

Supplementary Figure 1: Representative FACS analysis of Lipidtox staining from the floating layer from adipose tissue digestion.

From: Visceral and subcutaneous fat have different origins and evidence supports a mesothelial source

Supplementary Figure 1

(a) Single cells (P1) from the fl oating layers were stained with LipidTox (Deep Red) or without and analysed by FACS (n = 3). (b) Immunofl uoresence of bone marrow from Wt1-CreERT2.mTmG mice (induced at E14.5 and harvested at one-two month old). Adipocytes in the bone marrow were stained with perilipin antibody (indicated in red; cell nuclei were stained with DAPI in blue). No GFP+ cells were detected. (c) FACS analysis of bone marrow cells. No GFP+ cellswere detected. Bone marrow cells from Cre-negative mice were used for the GFP gating (n = 3).

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