Extended Data Fig. 7: LPS-based phage resistance also affects in vivo virulence. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: LPS-based phage resistance also affects in vivo virulence.

From: Bacterial biodiversity drives the evolution of CRISPR-based phage resistance

Extended Data Fig. 7

Time until death (given as median ± one standard error) for G. mellonella larvae infected with PA14 clones that evolved phage resistance by LPS modification, compared to the phage-sensitive ancestral (n = 209 biologically independent samples). Cox proportional hazards model with Tukey contrasts: sensitive (ancestral) versus LPS; z = 4.81, P = 1.49 × 10−6. overall model fit; LRT3 = 44.94, P = 1 × 10−9

Source Data.

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