Extended Data Fig. 5: Antibody somatic hypermutation, and CDR3 length. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Antibody somatic hypermutation, and CDR3 length.

From: mRNA vaccine-elicited antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 and circulating variants

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, Number of somatic nucleotide mutations in both the IGVH and IGVL in 14 participants (left). Individuals who received the Moderna vaccine are shown in black, and individuals who received the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine are shown in in red. For each individual, the number of amino acids in the CDR3 at the IGVH and IGVL is shown (right). The horizontal bars indicate the mean. The number of antibody sequences (IGVH and IGVL) evaluated for each participant are n = 68 (MOD1), n = 45 (MOD2), n = 117 (MOD3), n = 123 (MOD4), n = 110 (MOD6), n = 109 (MOD7), n = 144 (MOD8), n = 102 (MOD9), n = 132 (PFZ10), n = 109 (MOD11), n = 91 (PFZ12), n = 78 (C001), n = 66 (C003) and n = 115 (C004). b, Distribution of the hydrophobicity GRAVY scores at the IgH CDR3 compared to a public database (Methods). The box limits are the lower and upper quartiles, the centre line indicates the median, the whiskers are 1.5× interquartile range and the dots represent outliers. Statistical significance was determined using two-tailed Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test. ****P < 0.0001.

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