NCBI Software Developers Toolkit - Table of Contents


OVERVIEW - Brief introduction

DATAMODEL - outlines the NCBI model for biotechnology information which is centered around the concept of a biological sequence as a simple, linear coordinate system

CORELIB - Writing Portable Software. Describes the concept of "C' language functions, macros, and guidelines that permit the writing of programs which compile and execute without change on over fourteen different hardware/operating system/compiler combinations

ASNLIB Reading and Writing ASN.1. AsnLib is a function library written with CoreLib, which provides functions for reading and validating ASN.1 specifications and generating parse trees to encoded and decode data conforming to the specification

GENERAL - General use objects. Presentation of the data objects defined in general.asn and objgen.[ch]. They are a miscellaneous collection of generally useful types

BIBLIO - a specification for the base class Pub, publications of any sort and collections of publications

MEDLINE - introduction to MEDLINE and the structure of a MEDLINE record

BIOSEQ - Explanation of the way data is biological data is stored

SEQSET - Collections of sequences

SEQLOC - Sequence Locations and Identifiers

SEQFEAT - Sequence Features

SEQALIGN - sequence alignments

SEQRES - Sequence graphs

SEQUTIL - Sequence utilities

ACCESS - Introduction to tools for Entrez data access.

VIBRANT - VIBRANT is a high-level, multi-platform user interface graphic development library


SDK - entire set of files in a single document

FLOW - flow chart of events in data management

VUGRAPH - illustrations

NCBIVU - 4 slides outline NCBI overview
