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Table 1

Association between maternal dietary diversity and risk of low birth weight: method of the database search strategy using PubMed and SCOPUS

DatabaseSearch terms*
PubMed (search conducted up to 14 June 2020)((((((dietary diversity[Title/Abstract]) OR (diet diversity[Title/Abstract])) OR (food diversity[Title/Abstract])) OR (dietary variety[Title/Abstract])) OR (diet variety[Title/Abstract])) OR (food variety[Title/Abstract])) AND (birth weight[Title/Abstract])
SCOPUS (search conducted up to 15 June 2020)TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘dietary diversity’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘diet diversity’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘food diversity’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘dietary variety’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘diet variety’) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘food variety’) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (‘birth weight’) AND DOCTYPE (ar)
Google Scholar (search conducted up to 15 June 2020)allintitle: ‘dietary diversity’ OR ‘diet diversity’ OR ‘food diversity’ OR ‘dietary variety’ OR ‘diet variety’ OR ‘food variety’ ‘birth weight’ with at least one of the words: ‘dietary diversity’ OR ‘diet diversity’ OR ‘food diversity’ OR ‘dietary variety’ OR ‘diet variety’ OR ‘food variety’ with the exact phrase: birth weight
*Searches were limited to observational studies, original articles and studies published in the English language using the appropriate filters and/or search terms depending on the database.