Table 6

Toxicological reference values (TRVs) proposed at EU level

Group ADI 0.0014 mg/kg bw per dayItaly (2008a,b)Based on the LOAEL of 0.43 mg/kg bw per day for increased incidence of bile duct hyperplasia and retinal atrophy observed in a 2‐year study in rats conducted with cyhexatin and applying an increased UF of 300 to account for the use of a LOAEL as point of departure.
Group ARfD 0.007 mg/kg bwItaly (2008a,b)Based on an overall NOAEL of 0.7 mg/kg bw per day for acute effects (clinical signs, reduced body weight and embryotoxicity) in a multigeneration toxicity study in rats and a developmental toxicity study in rabbits and applying a standard UF of 100.

ADI: acceptable daily intake; ARfD: acute reference dose; bw: body weight; UF: uncertainty factor.
