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EFSA J. 2023 Jun; 21(6): e08062.
Published online 2023 Jun 12. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.8062
PMCID: PMC10258725
PMID: 37313316

Setting of import tolerances for sulfoxaflor in various crops


In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, the applicant Dow AgroSciences Ltd submitted a request to the competent national authority in Greece to set an import tolerance for the active substance sulfoxaflor in various crops. The data submitted in support of the request were found to be sufficient to derive import tolerance proposals for cane fruits, blueberries, avocados, mangoes, pineapples, asparagus, globe artichokes, sunflower seeds and coffee beans. Adequate analytical methods for enforcement are available to control the residues of sulfoxaflor in plant matrices under consideration at the validated LOQ of 0.01 mg/kg. Based on the risk assessment results, EFSA concluded that the short‐term and long‐term intake of residues resulting from the use of sulfoxaflor according to the reported agricultural practices is unlikely to present a risk to consumer health.

Keywords: sulfoxaflor, various crops, import tolerance, pesticide, MRL, consumer risk assessment


In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, Dow AgroSciences Ltd submitted an application to the competent national authority in Greece (evaluating Member State, EMS) to set import tolerances for the active substance sulfoxaflor in various crops. The EMS drafted an evaluation report in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, which was submitted to the European Commission and forwarded to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on 7 April 2022. The EMS proposed to establish maximum residue levels (MRLs) for cane fruits, blueberries, avocados, mangoes, pineapples, asparagus, globe artichokes, sunflower seeds and coffee beans imported from the USA, Vietnam and Kenya at the levels of 1.5 mg/kg, 2.0 mg/kg, 0.15 mg/kg, 0.3 mg/kg, 0.09 mg/kg, 0.015 mg/kg, 0.9 mg/kg, 0.4 mg/kg, 0.3 mg/kg, respectively.

EFSA assessed the application and the evaluation report as required by Article 10 of the MRL regulation. EFSA identified points in need of further clarification, which were requested from the EMS. On 15 February 2023, the EMS submitted the requested information and a revised evaluation report (Greece, 2022), which replaced the previously submitted evaluation report.

Based on the conclusions derived by EFSA in the framework of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, the data evaluated in previous MRL assessments and the additional data provided by the EMS in the framework of this application, the following conclusions are derived.

The metabolism of sulfoxaflor following foliar and soil applications was investigated in crops belonging to the groups of fruit crops, leafy crops, cereals and pulses/oilseeds. After foliar applications, parent sulfoxaflor was the most significant residue (16–71% of total radioactive residue (TRR)) with the metabolite X11719474 as a major metabolite in mature crops (7–30% TRR). After soil applications, sulfoxaflor was present in a much lower proportion (up to 18% TRR in fruit crops and below 1% TRR in leafy crops) or not even detected (pulses and cereals) and the metabolite X11719474 was the major residue (31–90% TRR). No significant shift was reported for the diastereomer ratios of sulfoxaflor and X11719474.

Studies investigating the effect of processing on the nature of sulfoxaflor (hydrolysis studies) demonstrated that the sulfoxaflor and metabolite X11719474 are stable. Investigations of residues in rotational crops are not required because the authorised uses of sulfoxaflor are on imported crops.

Based on the metabolic pattern identified in metabolism studies, hydrolysis studies and the toxicological relevance of metabolites, the residue definitions for plant products were proposed as ‘sulfoxaflor (sum of isomers)’ for enforcement and ‘sum of sulfoxaflor and metabolite X11719474, expressed as sulfoxaflor’ for risk assessment. These residue definitions are applicable to primary crops and processed products.

EFSA concluded that for the crops assessed in this application, the metabolism of sulfoxaflor in primary and in rotational crops, and the possible degradation in processed products has been sufficiently addressed and that the previously derived residue definitions are applicable.

Sufficiently validated analytical methods based on high‐performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detection (HPLC–MS/MS) are available to quantify residues in the crops assessed in this application according to the enforcement residue definition. In the framework of this assessment, the EMS proposes the QuEChERS EN 15662 method (LC–MS/MS) to be used for enforcement purposes in difficult matrices (coffee, tea, tobacco and hops). The method has been sufficiently validated for the determination of sulfoxaflor and metabolite X11719474 in these matrices, at the LOQ 0.01 mg/kg for individual analytes and an independent laboratory validation (ILV) was provided for coffee, tea and hops.

The available residue trials are sufficient to derive MRL proposals of 1.5 mg/kg for cane fruits, of 2.0 mg/kg for blueberries, of 0.15 mg/kg for avocados, of 0.3 mg/kg for mangoes, of 0.09 mg/kg for pineapples, of 0.015 mg/kg for asparagus, of 0.9 mg/kg for globe artichokes, of 0.4 mg/kg for sunflower seeds and of 0.3 mg/kg for coffee beans.

Specific studies investigating the magnitude of sulfoxaflor residues in processed commodities are in principle not required because the individual contribution of the crops assessed in this application to the total theoretical maximum daily intake (TMDI) is well below 1% of the ADI.

Nevertheless, several processing studies were provided to investigate the effect of processing on the magnitude of sulfoxaflor residues in processed commodities of pineapples, sunflower seeds and coffee beans and in mangoes pulp. The number of processing studies was insufficient to derive robust processing factors, except for avocados, where the derived processing factor is recommended to be included in Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005:

PF according to the residue definition for monitoring:

  • Avocado/pulp: 0.63.

PF according to the residue definition for risk assessment:

  • Avocado/pulp: 0.75.

As sunflower seeds and/or their by‐products can be used as feed products, a potential residue carry‐over into the food of animal origin was assessed. The calculated livestock dietary burden exceeded the trigger value of 0.1 mg/kg dry matter (DM) for all relevant species/animal species. However, the contribution of sulfoxaflor residues in sunflower seeds to the total livestock exposure was insignificant, and therefore, a modification of the existing MRLs for commodities of animal origin was considered unnecessary.

The toxicological profile of sulfoxaflor was assessed in the framework of the EU pesticides peer review under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and the data were sufficient to derive an acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 0.04 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day and an acute reference dose (ARfD) of 0.25 mg/kg bw. The metabolites included in the residue definition are of similar toxicity as the parent active substance.

The consumer risk assessment was performed with revision 3.1 of the EFSA Pesticide Residues Intake Model (PRIMo). The short‐term exposure did not exceed the ARfD for any of the crops assessed in this application and ranged from 0.012% ARfD for coffee beans up to 3.9% ARfD for mangoes. The highest estimated long‐term dietary intake accounted for 37% of the ADI (NL toddler diet) with contributions ranging between the crops under assessment from 0.01% of the ADI for asparagus (IE adult diet) and avocados (GEMS/Food G11 diet), respectively, up to 0.61% ADI (FI adult diet) for coffee beans.

EFSA concluded that the existing and the authorised uses assessed under the present application will not result in a consumer exposure exceeding the toxicological reference values and therefore is unlikely to pose a risk to consumers' health.

EFSA proposes to amend the existing MRLs as reported in the summary table below. Full details of all end points and the consumer risk assessment can be found in Appendices BD.

Code (a) CommodityExisting EU MRL (mg/kg)Proposed EU MRL (mg/kg)Comment/justification
Enforcement residue definition: Sulfoxaflor (sum of isomers)
0153000Cane fruits0.01* 1.5

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor in cane berries is 1.5 mg/kg. A Codex MRL of 1.5 mg/kg, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0154010Blueberries0.01* 2.0

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on blueberries is 2.0 mg/kg. A Codex MRL of 1.5 mg/kg on blueberries, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0163010Avocados0.01* 0.15

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor in avocados is 0.15 mg/kg. A Codex MRL of 0.15 mg/kg on avocados, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0163030Mangoes0.01* 0.3

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (Kenyan GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

A tolerance is not established in Kenya at a national level. However, a Codex MRL of 0.3 mg/kg on mangoes, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0163080Pineapples0.01* 0.09

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on pineapples is 0.1 mg/kg. A Codex MRL is not in place.

0270010Asparagus0.01* 0.015

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on asparagus is 0.01 mg/kg. A Codex MRL of 0.015 mg/kg on asparagus, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0270050Globe artichokes0.060.9

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on globe artichokes is 0.7 mg/kg; however, a Codex MRL for sulfoxaflor on globe artichokes of 0.9 mg/kg has been proposed by JMPR but the Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting has not taken place yet.

0401050Sunflower seeds0.02* 0.4

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on sunflower seeds is 0.3 mg/kg; however, a Codex MRL for sulfoxaflor on sunflower seeds of 0.4 mg/kg has been proposed by JMPR but the Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting has not taken place yet.

0620000Coffee beans0.05* 0.3

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (Vietnamese GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

A tolerance is not established in Vietnam at a national level. However, a Codex MRL of 0.3 mg/kg on coffee beans, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

MRL: maximum residue level; NEU: northern Europe; SEU: southern Europe; GAP: Good Agricultural Practice.

*Indicates that the MRL is set at the limit of analytical quantification (LOQ).
(a)Commodity code number according to Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) received an application to set an import tolerance for the active substance sulfoxaflor in various crops. The detailed description of the existing uses of sulfoxaflor authorised in Kenya, the United States of America and Vietnam in various crops, which is the basis for the current MRL application, is reported in Appendix A.

Sulfoxaflor is the ISO common name for methyl(oxo){1‐[6‐(trifluoromethyl)‐3‐pyridyl]ethyl}‐λ6‐sulfanylidene]cyanamide (IUPAC). The chemical structures of the active substance and its main metabolites are reported in Appendix E.

Sulfoxaflor was evaluated in the framework of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 1 with Austria designated as rapporteur Member State (RMS) for the representative use(s) as a foliar treatment on fruiting vegetables, cucurbits, spring and winter cereals and cotton to control sap‐feeding insects. The draft assessment report (DAR) prepared by the RMS has been peer reviewed by EFSA (2014a)). Sulfoxaflor was approved 2 for the use as insecticide on 18 August 2015. When granting national authorisations, Member States need to consider risk mitigation measures related to the risk for bees, bumble bees and other non‐target arthropods. Recently, approval restrictions 3 were agreed by risk managers that ‘only uses in permanent greenhouses may be authorised’ with a grace period of 19 May 2023 at the latest to allow withdrawal or amendment of authorisations for plant protection products containing sulfoxaflor that do not comply with the restricted conditions of approval.

EU MRLs for sulfoxaflor are established in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 4 . A review of existing MRLs according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 (MRL review) is not required (EFSA, 2017c). Proposals for setting MRLs covering the representative uses according to good agricultural practices (GAP) in the EU were assessed during the approval of sulfoxaflor under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 and implemented in Regulation in accordance with Article 11(2) of the Regulation (EC) 1107/2009. EFSA has issued several reasoned opinions on the modification of MRLs for sulfoxaflor. The proposals from these reasoned opinions have been considered in recent MRL regulation. 5 Certain Codex maximum residue limits (CXLs) have been taken over in the EU MRL legislation. The MRL proposals for sulfoxaflor in various crops as derived in the recent EFSA assessments (EFSA, 2019b, 2022a) have not been yet adopted in the EU MRL legislation but will nevertheless be considered in the present consumer risk assessment. The same refers to several CXL proposals which were evaluated by the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) and are supported for the inclusion in the EU MRL legislation (EFSA, 2019c, 2022b; FAO, 2019, 2021, 2023).

In 2022, Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) adopted a number of Codex MRLs, some of them being higher than the existing EU MRLs (JMPR meeting 2021 (FAO, 2021)). As the EU did not express a reservation in the 53rd session of Codex Committee for Pesticide Residues (CCPR) (EFSA, 2022b; FAO, 2022, 2022), for the Codex MRL proposals and as no consumer exposure concerns were identified, the CXLs for asparagus, avocados, bush berries including blueberries, cane berries, coffee beans and mangoes are expected to be implemented in the EU legislation.

In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, Dow AgroSciences Ltd submitted an application to the competent national authority in Greece (evaluating Member State, EMS) to set import tolerances for the active substance sulfoxaflor in various crops. The EMS drafted an evaluation report in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, which was submitted to the European Commission and forwarded to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on 7 April 2022. The EMS proposed to establish maximum residue levels (MRLs) for cane fruits, blueberries, avocados, mangoes, pineapples, asparagus, globe artichokes, sunflower seeds and coffee beans imported from Kenya, USA and Vietnam at the level of 1.5 mg/kg, 2.0 mg/kg, 0.15 mg/kg, 0.3 mg/kg, 0.09 mg/kg, 0.015 mg/kg, 0.9 mg/kg, 0.4 mg/kg, 0.3 mg/kg, respectively.

EFSA assessed the application and the evaluation report as required by Article 10 of the MRL regulation. EFSA identified points that needed further clarification, which were requested from the EMS. On 15 February 2023, the EMS submitted the requested information and a revised evaluation report (Greece, 2022), which replaced the previously submitted evaluation report.

EFSA based its assessment on the evaluation report submitted by the EMS (Greece, 2022), the DAR and its addendum (Ireland, 2012, 2014) prepared under Regulation (EC) 1107/2009, the Commission review report on sulfoxaflor (European Commission, 2015), the conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance sulfoxaflor (EFSA, 2014a), as well as the conclusions from previous EFSA opinions on sulfoxaflor (EFSA, 2017b, 2019b, 2022) and the EFSA reports based on JMPR assessments (EFSA, 2014b, 2015, 2017a, 2019c, 2022b).

For this application, the data requirements established in Regulation (EU) No 544/2011 6 and the guidance documents applicable at the date of submission of the application to the EMS are applicable (European Commission, 1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d, 1997e, 1997fg, 2010, 2017, 2020, 2021; OECD, 2007, 2011, 2013). The assessment is performed in accordance with the legal provisions of the Uniform Principles for the Evaluation and the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products adopted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 546/2011 7 .

A selected list of end points of the studies assessed by EFSA in the framework of this MRL application including the end points of relevant studies assessed previously is presented in Appendix B.

The evaluation report submitted by the EMS (Greece, 2022) and the exposure calculations using the EFSA Pesticide Residues Intake Model (PRIMo) are considered as supporting documents to this reasoned opinion and, thus, are made publicly available as background documents to this reasoned opinion.

1. Residues in plants

1.1. Nature of residues and methods of analysis in plants

1.1.1. Nature of residues in primary crops

The metabolism of sulfoxaflor in primary crops belonging to the group of fruit crops, leafy crops, cereals/grass and pulses/oilseeds has been investigated in the framework of the EU pesticides peer review (EFSA, 2014a). After foliar applications, parent sulfoxaflor was the most significant residue (16–71% of total radioactive residue (TRR)) with the metabolite X11719474 as a major metabolite in mature crops (7–30% TRR). After soil applications, sulfoxaflor was present in a much lower proportion (up to 18% TRR in fruit crops and below 1% TRR in leafy crops) or not even detected (pulses and cereals) and the metabolite X11719474 was the major residue (31–90% TRR).

In the metabolism studies, no significant shift was reported for the diastereomer ratios. Information on the ratio of the enantiomers present in the individual diastereomers of sulfoxaflor and X11719474 was not available. Nonetheless, the EU pesticides peer review did not identify the need for additional data (EFSA, 2014a).

For the authorised uses under consideration, the metabolic behaviour in primary crops is sufficiently addressed.

1.1.2. Nature of residues in rotational crops

Investigations of residues in rotational crops are not required for imported crops. Therefore, for the uses assessed in this application, no further information is required.

1.1.3. Nature of residues in processed commodities

The effect of processing on the nature of sulfoxaflor and its metabolite X11719474 was investigated in the framework of the EU pesticides peer review (EFSA, 2014a). Both sulfoxaflor and X11719474 were considered sufficiently stable under standard hydrolysis conditions (EFSA, 2014a).

1.1.4. Analytical methods for enforcement purposes in plant commodities

Analytical methods for the determination of sulfoxaflor residues in plant matrices were assessed during the EU pesticides peer review (EFSA, 2014a). The methods (091116 and 091031), based on high‐performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detection (HPLC–MS/MS), are sufficiently validated for the quantification of residues of sulfoxaflor at or above the limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.01 mg/kg in high water content, high acid content, high oil content and dry commodities.

The crops under consideration in this import tolerance MRL application belong to the high water, high acid and high oil content commodity groups. Moreover, coffee beans are included in the group of difficult to analyse matrices or ‘no group’ for which full validation data shall be presented to prove the suitability of the method (European Commission, 2021).

EFSA concluded previously that the extraction efficiency for the analytical methods for enforcement (091116 and 091031) was demonstrated in the framework of the peer review (Ireland, 2012) by cross validation with the method used in the metabolism studies (study 101569; Ireland, 2012). This is considered in accordance with the EU Technical Guideline SANTE 2017/10632 on extraction efficiency (European Commission, 2017; EFSA, 2022a).

In the framework of this assessment, the EMS proposes the QuEChERS EN 15662 (2 mass transitions) method to be used for enforcement purposes including difficult matrices (coffee, tea, tobacco and hops (Greece, 2022). The method has been sufficiently validated for the determination of sulfoxaflor and X11719474 in these matrices, using LC–MS/MS at the LOQ 0.01 mg/kg for individual analytes. An ILV was provided for coffee beans, tea and hops (Greece, 2022). It is to be noted that a metabolism study on coffee beans is not available and therefore for this specific commodity extraction efficiency could not be demonstrated. Nevertheless, the metabolism studies do not cover a high acid commodity where it is noted that the current guidance allows for bridging between high water content and acidic matrices for slightly acidic matrices, such as tomato, and a high oil content commodities which would be required according to the guidance and therefore for these commodities, extraction efficiency cannot be considered as demonstrated.

EFSA concludes that sufficiently validated methods for the enforcement of sulfoxaflor residues in globe artichokes, asparagus, avocados, blueberries, cane fruits, mangoes, pineapples, sunflower seeds and for coffee beans are available at the validated LOQ of 0.01 mg/kg.

Further considerations on extraction efficiency

To address the extraction efficiency of QuEChERS method EN 15662, the applicant refers to the extraction efficiency study for QuEChERS EN 150108 (two mass transitions) which was previously assessed by EFSA and uses a similar extraction system (Greece, 2021; EFSA, 2022a).

EFSA acknowledges that the position of the EMS (Greece, 2021) in the previous EFSA assessment (EFSA, 2022a), however, highlights several shortcomings which would need to be addressed to fully confirm the comparable extraction efficiency of both methods:

  • levels of incurred residues in treated high water (lettuce), high acid (grapes) and dry commodities (dry beans) were close to the LOQ; the samples shall contain residues at higher levels to allow proper quantification;
  • the extraction efficiency was investigated in a limited number of samples; only three replicates were available, whereas at least five replicates would be required to sufficiently demonstrate recovery (European Commission, 2021).
  • extraction efficiency was investigated via an indirect cross‐validation performed against the analytical method for enforcement. This is not in line with the Technical Guidelines on Extraction Efficiency (European Commission, 2017), which indicates that cross‐validation should be performed against the analytical method used in metabolism studies.

EFSA would recommend reconsidering the identified uncertainties on extraction efficiency in this section by risk managers in future revisions of the guidance and in the framework of the peer review for the renewal of approval of the active substance.

1.1.5. Storage stability of residues in plants

The storage stability of sulfoxaflor and the metabolite X11719474 in plants stored under frozen conditions was investigated in the framework of the EU pesticides peer review (EFSA, 2014a). It was demonstrated that sulfoxaflor and metabolite X11719474 were stable in matrices of high water, high acid, dry/high starch and high oil content for at least 22 months (EFSA, 2014a).

Furthermore, during the current application, it was demonstrated that both compounds are stable at least up to 24.5 months in high water, high acid and high oil commodities (Greece, 2022). The stability in coffee is considered as covered by the substantial available body of evidence in all groups of plant commodities; moreover, coffee beans are classified as high oil content matrix according to OECD guideline on the stability of pesticides in stored commodities (OECD, 2007).

For the authorised uses, the information on the stability of sulfoxaflor residues is sufficient.

1.1.6. Proposed residue definitions

Based on the metabolic pattern identified in metabolism studies, the results of hydrolysis studies, the toxicological significance of sulfoxaflor and its metabolite X11719474 and the capabilities of enforcement analytical methods, the following residue definitions were proposed (EFSA, 2014a):

  • residue definition for enforcement: sulfoxaflor (sum of isomers);
  • residue definition for risk assessment: sum of sulfoxaflor and metabolite X11719474, expressed as sulfoxaflor.

The same residue definitions are applicable to processed products. The residue definition for enforcement set in Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 is identical to the above‐mentioned residue definition.

EFSA concluded that these residue definitions are appropriate for the crops under assessment.

It is to be noted that the residue definition for monitoring and risk assessment derived by the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) is parent sulfoxaflor only and does not include metabolite X11719474 for risk assessment (FAO, 2021).

1.2. Magnitude of residues in plants

1.2.1. Magnitude of residues in primary crops

In support of the import tolerance application, residue trials performed on raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, avocados, mangoes, pineapples, asparagus, globe artichokes and sunflower were submitted. The samples of the residue trials were stored under conditions for which the integrity of the samples has been demonstrated.

All trials on the crops with authorised uses in the United States have been performed with a formulation containing the adjuvant in line with the registered labels for the use of sulfoxaflor in the USA (Greece, 2022).

The methods (091116, 091031) used for the analysis of samples in the context of the residue trials are based on high‐performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC‐MS/MS). The samples were analysed for the parent compound and the metabolite included in the residue definition for risk assessment. The conversion factors (CFs) for the risk assessment were derived from the submitted residue data. According to the assessment of the EMS, the methods used were sufficiently validated and fit for purpose (Greece, 2022).

EFSA noted that the extraction efficiency of the analytical method 091031 is demonstrated according to the Technical Guideline SANTE 2017/10632 (European Commission, 2017), considering that the extraction conditions are comparable to those used in the analytical method for enforcement (091116), where extraction efficiency was proven (see Section 1.1.4) (EFSA, 2022a).

In this import tolerance application, for residue trials on raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, asparagus, globe artichokes (study 10858), sunflower seeds (study 11095), the official control method (091116) was used. For residue trials on avocados and pineapples method 091031 was used which has comparable extraction conditions to those used in the analytical method for enforcement (091116), where extraction efficiency was considered as proven (EFSA, 2022a).

However, considering the identified sources of uncertainty for the extraction efficiency of the QuEChERS methods (see Section 1.1.4) which were used to analyse the samples of the residue trials on mangoes and coffee beans (QuEChERS EN 15662), on pineapples (QuEChERS EN 150108), on globe artichokes (study 210115) and sunflower seeds (study 210116) (QuEChERS CEMS 7319 with an equivalent extraction system as QuEChERS EN 15662), the derived MRL proposals for these commodities are affected by additional non‐standard uncertainty. Cane fruits (blackberries, dewberries, raspberries and other cane fruits)

Authorised US good agricultural practices (GAPs) on cane fruits: 1–4 × (26–101) g a.s./ha, interval 7 days, PHI 1 day (298 g a.s./ha maximum annual application rate).

In support of the authorised critical GAPs of sulfoxaflor in the USA, the applicant submitted three residue trials on blackberries and four residue trials on raspberries performed in USA and Canada in 2014 compliant with a GAP of 3 × 100 (98.7–105) g a.s./ha; interval 7 days, PHI: 1 day. Two trials on raspberries represented decline trials. All except of one trial on blackberries were performed using an adjuvant (0.025% up to 0.5%) (Greece, 2022).

The applicant proposed to extrapolate the merged residue data on raspberries and blackberries to the whole group of cane fruits which is acceptable according to EU guidance documents (European Commission, 2020a). It is concluded that an MRL of 1.5 mg/kg would be sufficient to support the authorised outdoor use of sulfoxaflor on cane fruits.

The samples of these residue trials were stored under conditions for which integrity of the samples is demonstrated (Greece, 2022).

A Codex MRL of 1.5 mg/kg 8 for sulfoxaflor on cane berries is set (enforcement residue definition ‘sulfoxaflor’) for which EFSA expressed no reservation (EFSA, 2022b; FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), 2022). The tolerance established in the USA 9 for sulfoxaflor on cane berries10 is 1.5 mg/kg for the residue definition expressed as parent sulfoxaflor. Blueberry

Authorised critical US good agricultural practices (GAP) on blueberries: 1–4 × (26–101) g a.s./ha, interval 7 days, PHI 1 day (298 g a.s./ha maximum annual application rate).

In support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor in the USA, the applicant submitted 12 residue trials including two decline trials on blueberries performed in USA and Canada in 2014 compliant with a GAP of 3 × 100 (98.2–105.7) g a.s./ha; interval 7 days, PHI: 1 day. Two trials on raspberries represented decline trials. All trials were performed using an adjuvant (0.025% up to 0.25%) (Greece, 2022).

The samples of these residue trials were stored under conditions for which integrity of the samples is demonstrated (Greece, 2022).

The current residue data set is sufficient to derive an MRL proposal of 2 mg/kg for blueberries in support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor on blueberries in the USA.

A Codex MRL of 2 mg/kg 8 for sulfoxaflor is set for bush berries subgroup 13–07B which includes blueberries, for which EFSA expressed no reservation (EFSA, 2022b; FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), 2022). The tolerance established in the USA 9 for sulfoxaflor in blueberries 10 is 2.0 mg/kg. Avocados

Authorised critical US good agricultural practices (GAPs) on avocados: 1–4 × (26–101) g a.s./ha, interval 7 days, PHI 7 days (298 g a.s./ha maximum annual application rate).

In support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor in the USA, the applicant submitted five residue trials including two decline trials on avocados performed in the USA during the 2014 growing season compliant with a GAP of 3 × 100 (91–127) g a.s./ha; interval 7 days, PHI: 7 days. All trials were performed using an adjuvant (the percentage was not specified) (Greece, 2022). The residue trials also provide information on the residue distribution in the pulp of avocados.

In a second study, three residue trials in avocados performed in Australia during the 2016 growing season were provided which were not compliant with the GAP concerning the number of applications (2 or 4), the application rates (120–213 g a.s./ha) and the interval between applications (≥ 21 days). These trials were not considered valid to derive the MRL proposal by the EMS (Greece, 2022) and EFSA.

The samples of these residue trials were stored under conditions for which integrity of the samples is demonstrated (Greece, 2022).

The current residue data set is sufficient to derive an MRL proposal of 0.15 mg/kg for avocados in support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor on avocados in the USA.

A Codex MRL of 0.15 mg/kg 8 for sulfoxaflor is set for avocados for which EFSA expressed no reservation (EFSA, 2022b; FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Codex Alimentarius Commission, 2022). The tolerance established in the USA 9 for sulfoxaflor in avocados is 0.15 mg/kg. Mangoes

Authorised critical Kenyan good agricultural practice (GAP) on mangoes: 1–3 × 96 g a.s./ha, interval 14 days, PHI 3 days (according to product label provided: do not apply more than three applications to any crop in any one season and not more than two consecutive ones).

In support of the authorised GAP of sulfoxaflor in Kenya, the applicant submitted six residue trials including four decline trials on mangoes performed in Ghana (2), Kenya (2), Senegal (1) and Uganda (1) during the 2016–2018 growing season compliant with a GAP of 2 × 96 g a.s./ha; interval 14 (5 trials) to 15 (trial in Senegal) days, PHI: 3 days (Greece, 2022). The trials were performed with two applications instead of three, thus slightly deviating from the authorised GAP. However, as three consecutive applications are not permitted (see Appendix A) and as decline trials indicate residue decline within 3–14 days with exception of an outliner in one trial at 10 days, it is not expected that the third application performed at longer intervals would have an impact on the final residues in the crop. This conclusion is supported by JMPR which assessed the same GAP in 2021 and concluded that residue decline data for mangoes indicate a half‐life of sulfoxaflor of approximately 3 days and that based on the half‐life, a first application (31 days before harvest) would not contribute significantly to residues at harvest (FAO, 2021). The trials were therefore considered valid to support the authorised GAP in Kenya.

The samples of these residue trials were stored under conditions for which integrity of the samples is demonstrated (Greece, 2022).

The current residue data set is sufficient to derive an MRL proposal of 0.3 mg/kg for mangoes in support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor on mangoes in Kenya.

Tolerances are not established in Kenya at a national level. It is referred to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, where a Codex MRL of 0.3 mg/kg 8 for sulfoxaflor is set for mangoes for which EFSA expressed no reservation (EFSA, 2022b; FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), 2022). Pineapples

Authorised critical US GAP on pineapples: 1–2 × 101 g a.s./ha, interval 14 days, PHI 7 days (202 g a.s./ha maximum annual application rate).

In support of the authorised GAP of sulfoxaflor in the USA, the applicant submitted eight residue trials including four decline trials on pineapples performed in Costa Rica (5) and the USA (3) during the 2012 growing season compliant with a GAP of 2 × 100 g a.s./ha; interval 14 days, PHI: 1 day. Two trials (one in Costa Rica and one in the USA) were not independent, and from these trials, the highest residue value was selected for the data set. Six additional GAP compliant residue trials, including three decline trials (PHIs 0, 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days) performed in the USA during the 2021−2022 growing season are available (Greece, 2022). In total, data from 12 residue trials were included in the final residue data set.

The samples of these residue trials were stored under conditions for which integrity of the samples is demonstrated (Greece, 2022).

The current residue data set is sufficient to derive an MRL proposal of 0.09 mg/kg for pineapples in support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor on pineapples in the USA.

The tolerance established in the USA 9 for sulfoxaflor in pineapples is 0.1 mg/kg. A Codex MRL for pineapples is not in place. Asparagus

Authorised critical US GAP on asparagus: 1–4 × 101 g a.s./ha, interval 7 days, PHI: not applicable (to be applied to mature asparagus ferns only post‐harvest of spears; 298 g a.s./ha maximum annual application rate).

In support of the authorised GAP of sulfoxaflor in the USA, the applicant submitted eight residue trials on asparagus performed in the USA during the 2014 growing season compliant with a GAP of 3 × 100 (99.8–105.4) g a.s./ha; interval 6–8 days, PHI: 126–302 days (Greece, 2022).

The samples of these residue trials were stored under conditions for which integrity of the samples is demonstrated (Greece, 2022).

The current residue data set is sufficient to derive an MRL proposal of 0.015 mg/kg for asparagus in support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor on asparagus in the USA.

A Codex MRL of 0.015 mg/kg 8 for sulfoxaflor is set for asparagus for which EFSA expressed no reservation (EFSA, 2022b; FAO, 2022). The tolerance established in the USA 9 for sulfoxaflor in asparagus is 0.01 mg/kg. Globe artichokes

Authorised critical US GAP on globe artichokes: 1–4 × 101 g a.s./ha, interval 7 days, PHI: 3 days (298 g a.s./ha maximum annual application rate).

In support of the authorised GAP of sulfoxaflor in the USA, the applicant submitted four residue trials on globe artichokes performed in the USA during the 2014 growing season compliant with a GAP of 3 × 100 (98.2–103.7) g a.s./ha; interval 7 days, PHI: 3 days.

The samples of these residue trials were stored under conditions for which integrity of the samples is demonstrated, notwithstanding the fact that samples were stored for up to 778 days and storage stability was demonstrated for 680 days which is not thought to impact the stability of the samples (Greece, 2022).

The current residue data set is sufficient to derive an MRL proposal of 0.9 mg/kg for globe artichokes in support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor on asparagus in the USA.

The Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues proposed a Codex MRL for sulfoxaflor on globe artichokes of 0.9 mg/kg considering the same GAP and residue trials as assessed in this application (FAO, 2023). The tolerance currently established in the USA9 for sulfoxaflor in globe artichokes is 0.7 mg/kg. Sunflower seeds

Authorised critical US GAP on sunflower seeds: 1–2 × 101 g a.s./ha, interval 7 days, PHI: 14 days (193 g a.s./ha maximum annual application rate).

In support of the authorised GAP of sulfoxaflor in the USA, the applicant submitted 13 residue trials on sunflower including three decline trials performed in the USA during the 2013 and 2021 growing seasons compliant with a GAP of 2 × 100 (98.6–107.6) g a.s./ha; interval 7 days, PHI: 14 days. Each trial was performed using an adjuvant. Four trials performed during the 2013 growing season were not considered as independent; from replicate trials the highest value was selected. In total, nine GAP compliant residue trials were considered for the residue data set.

The samples of these residue trials were stored under conditions for which integrity of the samples is demonstrated, notwithstanding the fact that samples were stored for up to 868 days which is not thought to impact the stability of the samples because storage stability was demonstrated for 680 days and new data demonstrate stability for 736 days (Greece, 2022).

The current residue data set is sufficient to derive an MRL proposal of 0.4 mg/kg for sunflower seeds in support of the authorised GAPs of sulfoxaflor on asparagus in the USA.

The Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues proposed a Codex MRL for sulfoxaflor on sunflower seeds of 0.4 mg/kg considering the same GAP and residue trials as assessed in this application (FAO, 2023). The tolerance currently established in the USA9 for sulfoxaflor in sunflower is 0.3 mg/kg. Coffee beans

Authorised critical Vietnamese GAP on coffee beans: 1 × 75 g a.s./ha, PHI 3 days.

In support of the authorised GAP of sulfoxaflor in Vietnam, the applicant submitted 10 residue trials on coffee including five decline trials performed in Vietnam during the 2019 growing season compliant with a GAP of 1 × 75 g a.s./ha; PHI: 3 days.

It is concluded that an MRL of 0.3 mg/kg would be sufficient to support the authorised outdoor use of sulfoxaflor in Vietnam on coffee beans (peeled and sundried). For coffee beans in the EU legislation 11 the part of the crop to which the MRL is applicable is referred to as ‘green beans’, without further specifications on the state of processing. For the present assessment, the data on unprocessed, peeled beans are considered compliant with the definition for green beans, as specified in the MRL legislation.

The samples of these residue trials were stored for up to 179 days under conditions for which integrity in all main commodity groups for at least 680 days was demonstrated (Greece, 2022). Thus, residue trial samples are considered as stored under conditions not affecting the integrity of the samples.

Tolerances on a national level are not established in Vietnam. It is referred to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, where a Codex MRL of 0.3 mg/kg 8 for sulfoxaflor is set for coffee beans for which EFSA expressed no reservation (EFSA, 2022b; FAO, 2022).

The residue trial data are summarised in Appendix B.1.2.1.

1.2.2. Magnitude of residues in rotational crops

Investigations of residues in rotational crops are not required for imported crops.

1.2.3. Magnitude of residues in processed commodities

Specific studies investigating the magnitude of sulfoxaflor residues in processed commodities were in principle not required because the contribution of residues in the crops under consideration in this assessment to the overall dietary exposure is expected to be below 10% of the ADI (European Commission, 1997d).

Nevertheless, studies investigating the magnitude of sulfoxaflor residues in processed commodities (one study on pineapples (peeled fruits; peel; juice; process residues (wet bran)), one study on sunflower (sunflower meal and refined oil), two studies on coffee (roasted beans and instant coffee), two studies on mangoes (pulp and peel) and five studies on avocados (pitted fruit and pulp) were submitted with this application (Greece, 2022).

Processing studies in roasted coffee beans, peeled mangoes, avocados pulp and pineapples juice, pineapples process residues (wet bran), sunflower meal and sunflower refined oil demonstrated that residues were reduced whereby in instant coffee, a concentration of residues was observed (Greece, 2022). The number of submitted studies in all crops, except avocados, was considered insufficient to derive robust processing factors.

The number and quality of the processing studies is sufficient to derive robust processing factors for avocados pulp which are recommended to be included in Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.

The processing trials are summarised in Appendix B.1.2.3.

1.2.4. Proposed MRLs

The available data are considered sufficient to derive MRL proposals as well as risk assessment values for the commodities under evaluation (see Appendix B.1.2.1). In Section 3, EFSA assessed whether residues on the crops resulting from the uses authorised in Kenya, the USA and Vietnam are likely to pose a health risk to consumers.

2. Residues in livestock

Sunflower seeds (meal) may be used for feed purposes. Hence, it was necessary to perform a dietary burden calculation for livestock to estimate whether the authorised use of sulfoxaflor on sunflower and residues in imported sunflower seeds would have an impact on the residues expected in food of animal origin. Therefore, the previous calculation was updated (EFSA, 2019a,b) with the risk assessment values as derived for sunflower seeds from the submitted residue trials.

The input values for the exposure calculations for livestock are presented in Appendix D.1. The results of the dietary burden calculation are presented in Section B.2 and demonstrated that the exposure of all animal species did not increase with the consideration of sunflower seeds of this assessment. Therefore, further consideration of residues in livestock were not considered necessary in the context of this application.

3. Consumer risk assessment

EFSA performed a dietary risk assessment using revision 3.1 of the EFSA PRIMo (EFSA, 2018, 2019a). This exposure assessment model contains food consumption data for different subgroups of the EU population and allows the acute and chronic exposure assessment to be performed in accordance with the internationally agreed methodology for pesticide residues (FAO, 2016).

The toxicological reference values for sulfoxaflor used in the risk assessment (i.e. ADI and ARfD values) were derived in the framework of the EU pesticides peer review (European Commission, 2015). The metabolite included in the risk assessment residue definition was considered of similar toxicity to that of the parent compound (EFSA, 2014a).

The input values used in the exposure calculations are summarised in Appendix B.4.

Short‐term (acute) dietary risk assessment

The short‐term exposure assessment was performed only for the commodities assessed in this application in accordance with the internationally agreed methodology (FAO, 2016). The calculations were based on the highest residue (HR) derived from supervised field trials with exception of bulk materials such as sunflower seeds and coffee beans where the standardised median residue (STMR) values were used.

The short‐term exposure did not exceed the ARfD for any the crops assessed in this application. The highest acute consumer exposure was calculated for mangoes (3.9% of ARfD). The calculated acute exposure was 3.2% of ARfD for blackberries, 0.5% of ARfD for dewberries, 2.8% of ARfD for raspberries (for ‘other cane fruits’, no calculation could be performed), 0.9% of ARfD for avocados, 1.5% of ARfD for pineapples, 0.2% of ARfD for asparagus, 2,9% of ARfD for globe artichokes, 0.1% of ARfD for sunflower seeds and 0.012% of ARfD for coffee beans (see Appendix B.3).

Long‐term (chronic) dietary risk assessment

The long‐term exposure assessment was performed, taking into account the STMR values derived for the commodities assessed in this application; for the remaining commodities covered by the MRL legislation, the existing EU MRLs and the corresponding STMR values derived in the EU pesticide peer review, previous MRL applications and JMPR evaluations were selected as input values (EFSA, 2014a, 2017; FAO, 2012, 2014, 2015). Additionally, the crops for which the MRL proposals were derived in the recent EFSA assessments or by the JMPR for which EFSA expressed no reservations (EFSA, 2019c, 2022a,b; FAO, 2019, 2022, 2023) which so far have not been implemented in the EU MRL legislation, were also included in the calculations.

For those commodities for which the existing EU MRL is set based on CXL, the residue data according to the EU risk assessment residue definition are not available. 12 However, this deviation is considered not to have a practical implication for the consumer risk assessment (EFSA, 2022).

The crops on which no uses have been reported in the MRL review or in the subsequent EFSA outputs were not included in the exposure calculation.

The highest estimated long‐term dietary intake accounted for 37% of the ADI 13 (NL toddler diet). The contributions of the commodities assessed in the present MRL application to the overall long‐term exposure were low: 0.13% of the ADI for blackberries (IE adult diet), 0.03% of the ADI for dewberries (SE general diet), 0.21% of the ADI for raspberries (FI 3 years diet), 0.03% of the ADI for blueberries (NL toddler diet), 0.01% of the ADI for avocados (IE adult diet), 0.04% of the ADI for mangoes (IE adult diet), 0.1% of the ADI for pineapples (GEMS/Food G11), 0.01% for asparagus (IE adult diet), 0.06% for globe artichokes (IE adult diet), 0.09% for sunflower seeds (RO general diet) and 0.61% for coffee beans (FI adult diet).

EFSA concluded that the long‐term intake of residues of sulfoxaflor resulting from the existing and the authorised uses assessed under the present application is unlikely to present a risk to consumer health.

For further details on the exposure calculations, a screenshot of the Report sheet of the PRIMo is presented in Appendix C.

4. Conclusion and recommendations

The data submitted in support of this MRL application were found to be sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for all crops under consideration: cane fruits, blueberries, avocados, mangoes, pineapples, asparagus, globe artichokes, sunflower seeds and coffee beans.

EFSA concluded that the proposed import tolerances for sulfoxaflor on the crops under consideration will not result in a consumer exposure exceeding the toxicological reference values and therefore is unlikely to pose a risk to consumers' health.

The MRL recommendations are summarised in Appendix B.4.


active substance
acceptable daily intake
applied radioactivity
acute reference dose
growth stages of mono‐ and dicotyledonous plants
body weight
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
conversion factor for enforcement to risk assessment residue definition
capsule suspension
coefficient of variation (relative standard deviation)
Codex maximum residue limit
days after last application
draft assessment report
days after treatment
dry matter
dustable powder
powder for dry seed treatment
period required for 90% dissipation (define method of estimation)
dry weight
emulsifiable concentrate
electron capture detector
estimated daily intake
evaluating Member State
residue expressed as a.s. equivalent
electrospray ionisation
EU Reference Laboratory (former Community Reference Laboratory (CRL))
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
flame ionisation detector
fluorescence detector
flame photometric detector
Good Agricultural Practice
gas chromatography with mass spectrometry
high performance liquid chromatography
high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry
high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry
high performance liquid chromatography with ultra‐violet detector
highest residue
international estimated daily intake
international estimated short‐term intake
independent laboratory validation
International Organisation for Standardisation
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues
limit of quantification
maximum residue level
mass spectrometry detector
Member States
tandem mass spectrometry detector
northern Europe
Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development
plant back interval
processing factor
preharvest interval
(EFSA) Pesticide Residues Intake Model
Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (analytical method)
risk assessment
raw agricultural commodity
residue definition
rapporteur Member State
Directorate‐General for Health and Consumers
suspension concentrate
southern Europe
supervised trials median residue
theoretical maximum daily intake
total radioactive residue
water‐dispersible granule
World Health Organization

Appendix A – Summary of intended GAP triggering the amendment of existing EU MRLs


Crop and/or situationNEU, SEU, MS or country


G or I (a)

Pests or Group of pests controlledPreparationApplicationApplication rate per treatmentPHI (days) (d) Remarks
Type (b) Conc. a.sMethod kindRange of growth stages and season (c) Number min–maxInterval between application (min)g a.s./hL min–maxWater L/ha min–maxRateUnit

Cane fruits including

blackberries, dewberries, raspberries (red and yellow) and other cane fruits

USAFAphids, leafhopper, mealybugs, plant bugs, scales (suppression), stink bugs (suppression), thrips (suppression)WG500 g/kg (50%)Foliar treatment – broadcast sprayingUp to mature fruit stage (BBCH 87)1–47Not specified28–94101*g a.s./ha1* Max. 298 g a.s./ha/year. The registered labels for sulfoxaflor on blackberries, raspberries, indicate use of a surfactant.
BlueberriesUSAFScales (suppression), stink bugs (suppression), thrips (suppression)WG240 g/L (21.8%)Foliar treatment – broadcast sprayingUp to mature fruit stage (BBCH 87)1–47Not specified28–94101*g a.s./ha1* Max. 298 g a.s./ha/year. The registered labels for sulfoxaflor on blueberries indicate use of a surfactant.
AvocadosUSAFThrips (suppression), aphidsSC240 g/L (21.8%)Foliar treatment – broadcast sprayingUp to BBCH 79 (mature fruit stage) [see remarks]1–47Not specified28–94101*g a.s./ha7Application timing: Do not apply between 3 days prior to bloom and until after petal fall * Max. 298 g a.s./ha/year. The registered labels for sulfoxaflor on avocados indicate use of a surfactant.
MangoesKenyaFMealy bugsSC240 g/LFoliar treatment – broadcast sprayingUp to BBCH 81 (beginning of fruit colouring (Colour‐Break)1–314Not specifiedNot specified96g a.s./ha3Do not apply more than 3 applications in any one season, and not more than 2 consecutive applications.
PineapplesUSAFMealy bugsSC240 g/L (21.8%)Foliar treatment – broadcast sprayingUp to mature fruit stage (BBCH 87)1–214Not specified28–94101*g a.s./ha7* Max. 202 g a.s./ha/year. The registered labels for sulfoxaflor on pineapples indicate use of a surfactant.
AsparagusUSAFThrips (suppression), aphidsSC240 g/L (21.8%)Foliar treatment – broadcast sprayingFruiting – mature ferns1–47Not specified28–94101*g a.s./ha[see remarks]PHI: Apply to asparagus ferns only after harvest of spears * Max. 298 g a.s./ha/year. The registered label for sulfoxaflor on asparagus indicates use of a surfactant.
Globe artichokesUSAF

Whitefly (suppression);

Aphids, plant bugs

SC240 g/L (21.8%)Foliar treatment – broadcast spraying40–891–47Not specified28–94101*g a.s./ha3* Max. 298 g a.s./ha/year. The registered labels for the use of sulfoxaflor on globe artichokes indicate use of a surfactant.
Sunflower seedsUSAFThrips (suppression only), plant bugs, aphidsSC240 g/LFoliar treatment – broadcast sprayingUp to mature head stage (BBCH 87)1–27Not specified28–94101*g a.s./ha14* Max. 193 g a.s./ha/year. The registered labels for sulfoxaflor on sunflower indicate use of a surfactant.
Coffee beansVietnamFMealy bugsWG500 g/kgFoliar treatment – broadcast sprayingUp to mature fruit stage (BBCH 88)1n/aNot specifiedmax 60075g a.s./ha3Application rate (g a.s./ha) calculated based on specified product weight and water volume (0.25 g product/ L water).

MRL: maximum residue level; GAP: Good Agricultural Practice; NEU: northern European Union; SEU: southern European Union; MS: Member State; a.s.: active substance; WG: water dispersible granule; SC: suspension concentrate.

(a)Outdoor or field use (F), greenhouse application (G) or indoor application (I).
(b)CropLife International Technical Monograph no 2, 7th Edition. Revised March 2017. Catalogue of pesticide formulation types and international coding system.
(c)Growth stage range from first to last treatment (BBCH Monograph, Growth Stages of Plants, 1997, Blackwell, ISBN 3–8263–3152‐4), including, where relevant, information on season at time of application.
(d)PHI – minimum pre‐harvest interval.

Appendix B – List of end points

B.1. Residues in plants

B.1.1. Nature of residues and analytical methods for enforcement purposes in plant commodities

B.1.1.1. Metabolism studies, analytical methods and residue definitions in plants

Primary crops (available studies)Crop groupsCrop(s)Application(s)Sampling (DAT)Comment/Source
Fruit cropsTomatoFoliar, 4 × (200) + (200) + (125) + (75) g/haImmature plant (14 DAT1; 14 DAT2), fruit (1, 7, 14 DALA), vines (14 DALA)Radiolabelled active substance: [14C‐pyridine]‐sulfoxaflor at 1:1 diastereomer mixture. Ratio of isomers in the individual diastereomer unknown (EFSA, 2014a)
Soil, 2 × 225 g/haImmature plant (14 DAT1), fruit (14, 21, 28 DALA), vines (28 DALA)
Leafy cropsLettucesFoliar, 3 × 200 g/haImmature plant (14 DAT1), mature plant (7 DALA)
Soil, 2 × 225 g/haImmature plant (14 DAT1), mature plant (14 DALA)
Cereals/grassRiceFoliar, 3 × (225) + (225) + (150)g/haImmature plant (14 DAT1), grain, straw hulls (at maturity)
Soil, 1 × 400 g/ha, BBCH 13–14Immature plant (14, 28 DAT), grain, straw, hulls (at maturity)
Pulses/oilseedsSnap PeaFoliar, 3 × 200 g/ha

Immature plant (14 DAT1, 14 DAT2), pods, vines (at maturity)

Soil, 1 × 450 g/haImmature plant (14 DAT1), pods, vines (at maturity)
Rotational crops (available studies) Crop groups Crop(s) Application(s) PBI (DAT) Comment/Source
Root/tuber cropsRadishBare soil, 1 × 600 g/ha30, 120, 365Radiolabelled active substance: [14C‐pyridine]‐sulfoxaflor at 1:1 diastereomer mixture. Ratio of isomers in the individual diastereomer unknown (EFSA, 2014a)
Leafy cropsLettucesBare soil, 1 × 600 g/ha30, 120, 365
Cereal (small grain)WheatBare soil, 1 × 600 g/ha30, 120, 365
Processed commodities (hydrolysis study) Conditions Stable? Comment/Source
Pasteurisation (20 min, 90°C, pH 4)YesRadiolabelled active substance: [14C‐pyridine]‐sulfoxaflor and [14C‐pyridine]‐X11719474 (EFSA, 2014a)
Baking, brewing and boiling (60 min, 100°C, pH 5)Yes
Sterilisation (20 min, 120°C, pH 6)Yes

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is EFS2-21-e08062-g001.jpg

B.1.1.2. Stability of residues in plants

Plant products (available studies)CategoryCommodityT (°C)Stability periodCompounds coveredComment/Source
High water contentPeaches−2022MonthsSulfloxaflor, X11719474EFSA (2014a)
Globe artichokes−20735DaysSulfoxaflor, X11719474, X117121061The study was terminated after 735 days (24.5 months) (Greece, 2022)
Asparagus−20304DaysSulfoxaflor, X11719474, X117121061The study was terminated after 304 days (Greece, 2022)
High oil contentSoyabeans−2022MonthsSulfloxaflor, X11719474EFSA (2014a)
Sunflower seeds−20736DaysSulfoxaflor, X11719474, X117121061The study was terminated after 736 days (24.5 months) (Greece, 2022)
Dry/high starchWheat grain−2022MonthsSulfloxaflor, X11719474EFSA (2014a)
High acid contentOranges−2022MonthsSulfloxaflor, X11719474EFSA (2014a)
Raspberry−20549DaysSulfoxaflor, X11719474, X117121061The study was terminated after 549 days (ca. 20 months) (Greece, 2022)
Blueberries−20756DaysSulfoxaflor, X11719474, X117121061The study was terminated after 756 days (25 months) (Greece, 2022)
OtherSunflower seeds, meal−20685DaysSulfoxaflor, X11719474, X117121061The study was terminated after 685 days (Greece, 2022)
Sunflower seeds, refined oil–20696DaysSulfoxaflor, X11719474, X117121061The study was terminated after 696 days (Greece, 2022)

B.1.2. Magnitude of residues in plants

B.1.2.1. Summary of residues data from the supervised residue trials

CommodityRegion (a) Residue levels observed in the supervised residue trials (mg/kg)Comments/SourceCalculated MRL (mg/kg)HR (b) (mg/kg)STMR (c) (mg/kg)CF (d)
Cane fruits USA


Mo: 0.236; 0.405; 0.443 0.536

RA: 0.245; 0.414; 0.457; 0.551


Mo: 0.277; 0.490; 0.744

RA: 0.290; 0.505; 0.756

Combined data set

Mo: 0.236; 0.277; 0.405; 0.443; 0.490; 0.536; 0.744

RA: 0.245; 0.290; 0.414; 0.457; 0.505; 0.551; 0.756

CFs: 1.04; 1.05; 1.02; 1.03; 1.03; 1.02; 1.01

Residue trials on raspberries and blackberries compliant with the authorised GAP.

Underlined trials were performed in Canada, the remaining trials in the USA.

The residue data on raspberries and blackberries were combined; an extrapolation to the whole group of cane fruits is acceptable (European Commission, 2020a).


Mo: 0.74

RA: 0.756

Mo: 0.44

RA: 0.46

Blueberry USA

Mo: 0.155; 0.170; 0.268; 0.298; 0.310; 0.387; 0.392; 0.418; 0.425; 1.27

RA: 0.164; 0.179; 0.277; 0.307; 0.319; 0.396; 0.408; 0.427; 0.442; 1.28

CFs: 1.06; 1.05; 1.03; 1.03; 1.03; 1.02; 1.04; 1.02; 1.04; 1.01

GAP compliant trials on blueberries.

0.025–0.25% adjuvant used in all trials. Underlined trials were performed in Canada, the remaining trials in the USA (Greece, 2022).


Mo: 1.27

RA: 1.28

Mo: 0.35

RA: 0.36

Avocados USA

Mo: 0.0126 (e) ; 0.0186; 0.0490; 0.0501; 0.0659 (f) ,

RA: 0.0220 (e) ; 0.0279; 0.0583; 0.0594; 0.0752 (f)

RA pulp: < 0.019; 0.0211; 0.436; 0.0204; 0.0341 (g);

CFs: 1.75; 1.5; 1.19; 1.19; 1.14

Residue trials on avocado compliant with maximum annual application rate of 298 g a.s./ha according to GAP of 3 × 100 g a.s./ha; interval 7 days, PHI: 7 days.

Each trial was performed using an adjuvant however the amount is not quantified. (f) Higher residue at PHI of 14 days (Greece, 2022).


Mo: 0.07

RA: 0.075

RApulp: 0.04

Mo: 0.05

RA: 0.06

RApulp: 0.02

Mangoes Kenya

Mo: 0.027; 0.037; 0.039; 0.054; 0.103; 0.114

RA: 0.036; 0.046; 0.048; 0.063; 0.112; 0.123

CFs: 1.33; 1.24; 1.23; 1.17; 1.09; 1.08

GAP compliant trials on mangoes with restrictions on number of annual and consecutive applications according to GAP of 2 × 100 (90.9–100.9) g a.s./ha; interval 14 days, PHI: 3 days considering that an additional application at an early stage will not affect the final residue (Greece, 2022);

Trials performed in Uganda (1); Ghana (2), Senegal (1) and in Kenya (2).

Underlined values refer to the Kent variety; the remaining two values to the apple variety [for information: For the Kent variety, the pit was 9% of the total fruit weight; for the apple variety 7%.] (Greece, 2022).

The data on pulp available from two trials but not sufficient to derive RA values for the pulp (Table B.1.2.3).


Mo: 0.11

RA: 0.12

Mo: 0.05

RA: 0.06

Pineapples USA

Mo: 0.011; 0.0117 (f) ; 0.020; 0.0202 (h) ; 0.0220 (h) ; 0.0270 (h) ; 0.030; 0.034; 0.035 (h) ; 0.0417; 0.0513; 0.057

RA: 0.020; 0.0211 (f) ; 0.029; 0.0296 (h) ; 0.0314 (h) ; 0.0363 (h) ; 0.039; 0.043; 0.044 (h) ; 0.0511; 0.0607; 0.066

CFs: 1.82; 1.80; 1.45; 1.47; 1.43; 1.34; 1.3; 1.26; 1.26; 1.23; 1.18; 1.16

GAP compliant trials on pineapples with restrictions on number of annual and consecutive applications according to GAP of 2 × 100 (98–103.5) g a.s./ha; interval 14 days, PHI: 7 days;

Trials No 1, 3, 7 and 8 were performed in the USA with 0.1% adjuvant and trials 9, 10, 11 and 12 with 0.125% adjuvant, respectively. The remaining trials were performed in Costa Rica with 0.1% adjuvant added (Greece, 2022).


Mo: 0.057

RA: 0.066

Mo: 0.029

RA: 0.038

Asparagus USA

Mo: 5 × < 0.01; 0.01063

RA: 5 × < 0.019; 0.0196

CFs: 5 × 1; 1.84

GAP compliant trials on asparagus with restrictions on number of annual and consecutive applications according to GAP of 3 × 100 (99.8–105.4) g a.s./ha; interval 6–8 days, PHI: 126–302 days;

The trials were performed in the USA with 0.25% adjuvant added to three trials. Three trials with residues below the LOQ had added adjuvant of 0.04%, 0.07% and 0.3% adjuvant added (Greece, 2022).


Mo: 0.01

RA: 0.02

Mo: 0.01

RA: 0.02

Globe artichokes USA

Mo: 0.217; 0.226; 0.260; 0.41

RA: 0.226; 0.235; 0.269; 0.416

CFs: 1.04; 1.04; 1.03; 1.01

GAP compliant trials on globe artichokes with restrictions on number of annual and consecutive applications according to GAP of 3 × 100 (98.2–104) g a.s./ha; interval 7–9 days, PHI: 3 days.

The trials were performed in the USA with adjuvants ranging from 0.06% to 0.63%, except the 4th trial which was done in Canada with 0.25% adjuvant (Greece, 2022).


Mo: 0.41

RA: 0.42

Mo: 0.24

RA: 0.25

Sunflower seeds USA

Mo: < 0.01; 0.014; 0.0185; 0.024; 0.047; 0.076 (f) ; 0.091; 0.149; 0.190

RA: < 0.019; 0.023; 0.0275; 0.033; 0.056; 0.085 (f) ; 0.100; 0.158; 0.199

CFs: 1; 1.64; 1.49; 1.38; 1.19; 1.12; 1.10; 1.06; 1.05

GAP compliant trials on sunflower seeds with restrictions on number of annual applications according to GAP of 2 × 100 (98.6–107.5) g a.s./ha; interval 7 days, PHI: 14–15 days; (f) residue at PHI of 21 day. The trials were performed in the USA with adjuvants ranging from 0.06% to 1% (Greece, 2022).


Mo: 0.19

RA: 0.199

Mo: 0.047

RA: 0.056

Coffee beans Vietnam

Mo: < 0.01; 2 × 0.01;0.01 (f) ; 0.03 (f) ; 0.04 (f) ; 0.05; 0.06; 0.09 (f) ; 0.15

RA: < 0.019; 2 × 0.019; 0.019 (f) ; 0.039 (f) ; 0.049 (f) ; 0.059; 0.069; 0.099 (f) ; 0.16

CFs: 1; 3 × 1.9; 1.3; 1.23; 1.18; 1.15; 1.1; 1.07

GAP compliant trials on coffee beans (peeled and sun dried) according to GAP of 1 × 75 g a.s./ha; PHI: 3 days.

(f) residue of 5th and 6th trial at PHI of 15 days, of 7th trial at PHI of 7 days and of 10th trial at PHI of 21 days (Greece, 2022).


Mo: 0.15

RA: 0.16

Mo: 0.035

RA: 0.044


MRL: maximum residue level; GAP: good agricultural practice; Mo: monitoring; RA: risk assessment.

*Indicates that the MRL is proposed at the limit of quantification.
(a)NEU: Outdoor trials conducted in northern Europe, SEU: Outdoor trials conducted in southern Europe, EU: indoor EU trials or Country code: if non‐EU trials.
(b)Highest residue. The highest residue for risk assessment refers to the whole commodity and not to the edible portion.
(c)Supervised trials median residue. The median residue for risk assessment refers to the whole commodity and not to the edible portion.
(d)Conversion factor (derived was the median value) to recalculate residues according to the residue definition for monitoring to the residue definition for risk assessment.
(e)The 2nd application was 127 g a.s./ha and slightly above 25% deviation which is not considered as concern since the other two were 96 and 91 g a.s./ha, altogether not exceeding the annual limit of 300 g a.s./ha (Greece, 2022).
(f)Higher residue at longer PHI.
(g)The residue values for pulp refer to a PHI of 7 days because for avocados pulp, no information was available at the PHI of 14 days where higher residues were reported for whole fruits. A consideration of this value has no impact on the HR and STMR values.
(h)Shorter PHI of 6 days.

B.1.2.2. Residues in rotational crops

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Object name is EFS2-21-e08062-g009.jpg

B.1.2.3. Processing factors

Processed commodityNumber of valid studies (a) Processing Factor (PF)CFP (b) Comment/Source
Individual valuesMedian PF
Avocados, pitted fruit with peel5

Mo: 1.19; 1.16; 1.16; 1.09; 1.13

RA: 1.16; 1.14; 1.14; 1.05; 1.09

1.161Greece (2022)
Avocados, pitted fruit with peel5

Mo: 1.19; 1.16; 1.16; 1.09; 1.13

RA: 1.16; 1.14; 1.14; 1.05; 1.09

1.161Greece (2022)
Avocado, pulp5

Mo: 0.22; 0.40 (c) ; 0.63; 0.70; < 0.79 (d)

RA: 0.34; 0.48 (c) ; 0.76; 0.75; < 0.83 (d)

0.631.2Greece (2022)
Mango, pulp2

Mo: < 0.09 (d) ; 1.03

RA: < 0.15 (d) ; 1.03

11Tentative (e) (Greece, 2022)
Pineapple, peeled fruit1

Mo: 0.155

RA: 0.204

0.1551.3Tentative (e) (Greece, 2022)
Pineapple, juice1

Mo: 0.088

RA: 0.139

0.0881.58Tentative (e) (Greece, 2022)
Pineapple, wet bran1

Mo: 0.101

RA: 0.152

0.101.5Tentative (e) (Greece, 2022)
Sunflower, meal1

Mo: < 0.71

RA: < 0.83

< 0.71

Tentative (e) (Greece, 2022)

Residues in RAC:

Mo: 0.014 mg/kg and RA: 0.023 mg/kg; in sunflower meal and refined oil: Mo: < 0.01 mg/kg; RA: < 0.019 mg/kg.

Sunflower, refined oil1

Mo: < 0.71

RA: < 0.83

< 0.71
Coffee, roasted beans2

Mo: 0.45; 0.49

RA: 0.45; 0.51

0.471.1Tentative (e) (Greece, 2022)
Coffee, instant coffee2

Mo: 2.8; 2.9

RA: 2.8; 2.8

2.91.0Tentative (e) (Greece, 2022)
(a)PF: processing factor; Mo: monitoring; RA: risk assessment. Studies with residues in the raw agricultural commodities (RAC) at or close to the LOQ were disregarded (unless concentration may occur).
(b)Conversion factor for risk assessment in the processed commodity; median of the individual conversion factors for each processing residues trial.
(c)The processing factor (PF) is based on residues in whole fruit and pulp at a PHI of 7 days by noting that higher residues were reported at a PHI of 14 days (see Table B.1.2.1) however for a PHI of 14 days, residue data for pulp were not reported.
(d)Residues in pulp below the LOQ of 0.01 mg/kg for monitoring and below the LOQ of 0.019 mg/kg for risk assessment.
(e)A tentative PF is derived based on a limited data set noting that for the current assessment, the data requirement according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 544/2011 apply (a balance study and at least 3 follow‐up processing studies are required). According to the new data requirements (Commission Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 of 1 March 2013 setting out the data requirements for active substances, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market, OJ L93, 3.4.2013 p. 1) however two processing studies with less than 50% divergence would be considered as sufficient.

B.2. Residues in livestock

Dietary burden calculation according to OECD (2013).

Relevant groups (sub‐groups)Dietary burden expressed in mg/kgMost critical subgroup (a) Most critical commodity (b) Trigger exceeded (Y/N) 0.1 mg/kg DMPrevious assessments EFSA (2019b)
bw per dayDMMax burden
MedianMaxMedianMaxmg/kg DM
Cattle (all)0.0480.0601.571.87Dairy cattlePotato pwY1.87
Cattle (dairy only)0.0480.0601.251.56Dairy cattlePotato pwY1.56
Sheep (all)0.0480.0681.442.04Ram/EwePotato pwY2.04
Sheep (ewe only)0.0480.0681.442.04Ram/EwePotato pwY2.04
Swine (all)0.0190.0220.820.97Swine (breeding)Potato pwY0.97
Poultry (all)0.0140.0230.200.34Poultry layerWheat strawY0.34
Poultry (layer only)0.0120.0230.170.34Poultry layerWheat strawY0.34

bw: body weight; DM: dry matter; Max: maximum dietary burden; pw: process waste.

Metabolism of parent sulfoxaflor in the ruminant (goat) and rodent are similar, extrapolation from ruminants is possible (EFSA, 2014a).

(a)When one group of livestock includes several subgroups (e.g. poultry ‘all’ including broiler, layer and turkey), the result of the most critical subgroup is identified from the maximum dietary burdens expressed as ‘mg/kg bw per day’.
(b)The most critical commodity is the major contributor identified from the maximum dietary burden expressed as ‘mg/kg bw per day’.

B.3. Consumer risk assessment

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B.4. Recommended MRLs

Code (a) CommodityExisting EU MRL (mg/kg)Proposed EU MRL (mg/kg)Comment/justification
Enforcement residue definition: Sulfoxaflor (sum of isomers)
0153000Cane fruits0.01* 1.5

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor in cane berries is 1.5 mg/kg. A Codex MRL of 1.5 mg/kg, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0154010Blueberries0.01* 2.0

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on blueberries is 2.0 mg/kg. A Codex MRL of 1.5 mg/kg on blueberries, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0163010Avocados0.01* 0.15

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor in avocados is 0.15 mg/kg. A Codex MRL of 0.15 mg/kg on avocados, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0163030Mangoes0.01* 0.3

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (Kenyan GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

A tolerance is not established in Kenya at a national level. However, a Codex MRL of 0.3 mg/kg on mangoes, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0163080Pineapples0.01* 0.09

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on pineapples is 0.1 mg/kg. A Codex MRL is not in place.

0270010Asparagus0.01* 0.015

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on asparagus is 0.01 mg/kg. A Codex MRL of 0.015 mg/kg on asparagus, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

0270050Globe artichokes0.060.9

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on globe artichokes is 0.7 mg/kg; however, a Codex MRL for sulfoxaflor on globe artichokes of 0.9 mg/kg has been proposed by JMPR, but the Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting has not taken place yet.

0401050Sunflower seeds0.02* 0.4

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (US GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

The tolerance established in the USA for sulfoxaflor on sunflower seeds is 0.3 mg/kg, however a Codex MRL for sulfoxaflor on sunflower seeds of 0.4 mg/kg has been proposed by JMPR but the Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting has not taken place yet.

0620000Coffee beans0.05* 0.3

The submitted data are sufficient to derive an import tolerance (Vietnamese GAP). Risk for consumers is unlikely.

A tolerance is not established in Vietnam at a national level. However, a Codex MRL of 0.3 mg/kg on coffee beans, for which EFSA flagged no reservations, was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2022.

MRL: maximum residue level; NEU: northern Europe; SEU: southern Europe; GAP: Good Agricultural Practice.

*Indicates that the MRL is set at the limit of analytical quantification (LOQ).
(a)Commodity code number according to Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.

Appendix C – Pesticide Residue Intake Model (PRIMo)


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Appendix D – Input values for the exposure calculations

D.1. Livestock dietary burden calculations

Feed commodityMedian dietary burdenMaximum dietary burden
Input value (mg/kg)Comment (a) Input value (mg/kg)Comment
Risk assessment residue definition: sum of sulfoxaflor and metabolite X11719474, expressed as sulfoxaflor
Barley, straw0.022STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.147HR (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Beet, mangel0.013STMR rotational (b) (EFSA, 2019b)0.065HR rotational (b) (EFSA, 2019b)
Beet, sugar0.013STMR rotational (b) (EFSA, 2019b)0.065HR rotational (b) (EFSA, 2019b)
Cabbage, heads leaves0.013STMR rotational (b) (EFSA, 2019b)0.065HR rotational (b) (EFSA, 2019b)
Kales0.200STMR (EFSA, 2019b)0.430HR (EFSA, 2019b)
Oat straw0.030STMR (EFSA, 2019b)0.220HR (EFSA, 2019b)
Rye, straw0.110STMR (EFSA, 2019b)0.350HR (EFSA, 2019b)
Triticale, straw0.110STMR (EFSA, 2019b)0.350HR (EFSA, 2019b)
Wheat straw0.143STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)1.648HR (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Potato culls0.019STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.019HR (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Barley, grain0.020STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.020STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Cotton seeds0.019STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.019STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Oat grain0.030STMR (EFSA, 2019b)0.030STMR (EFSA, 2019b)
Rye, grain0.019STMR (EFSA, 2019b)0.019STMR (EFSA, 2019b)
Soyabean seed0.023STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.023STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Triticale grain0.019STMR (EFSA, 2019b)0.019STMR (EFSA, 2019b)
Wheat grain0.019STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.019STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Apple, pomace wet0.123STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.123STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Beet, sugar, dried pulp0.180STMR rotational (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)0.180STMR rotational (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)
Beet, sugar, ensiled pulp0.0300.030
Beet, sugar, molasses0.2800.280
Brewer's grain dried0.066STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)0.066STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)
Rape seed, meal0.136STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.136STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Citrus, dried pulp2.275STMR (orange) × CF × PF (EFSA, 2019b)2.275STMR (orange) × CF × PF (EFSA, 2019b)
Cotton, meal0.015STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.015STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Distiller's grain dried0.063STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)0.063STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)
Potato process waste0.380STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)0.380STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)
Potato dried pulp0.722STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)0.722STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × (PF)
Soybean, meal0.030STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × PF0.030STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × PF
Soybean, hulls0.035STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × PF0.035STMR (EFSA, 2014a,b) × PF
Sunflower, meal 0.056 STMR (Table in B.1.2.1 ) × PF 0.056 STMR (Table in B.1.2.1 ) × PF
Wheat gluten, meal0.0004STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.0004STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)
Wheat, milled by‐prdts0.004STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)0.004STMR × PF (EFSA, 2014a,b)

STMR: supervised trials median residue; HR: highest residue; PF: processing factor; CF: conversion factor.

(a)For beet root and potato by‐products and for brewer's, distilled grain dried and sunflower meal in the absence of processing factors supported by data, default processing factors of 18, 3, 28, 20, 38, 3.3 and 2 were, respectively, included in the calculation to consider the potential concentration of residues in these commodities.
(b)As a worst case, highest residues of X11719474 observed in rotational crops from the EU field rotation crop study at 1 N the intended critical use were included (EFSA, 2019b).

D.2. Consumer risk assessment

CommodityExisting/Proposed MRL(a) (mg/kg)Type of MRL/sourceChronic risk assessmentAcute risk assessment
Input value (mg/kg) (b) CommentInput value (mg/kg) (b) Comment
Risk assessment residue definition: Sum of sulfoxaflor and metabolite X11719474, expressed as sulfoxaflor
Blackberries 1.5 Proposed MRL 0.457STMR‐RAC0.756HR‐RAC
Blackberries 1.5 Proposed MRL 0.457STMR‐RAC0.756HR‐RAC
Dewberries 1.5 Proposed MRL 0.457STMR‐RAC0.756HR‐RAC
Raspberries (red and yellow) 1.5 Proposed MRL 0.457STMR‐RAC0.756HR‐RAC
Other cane fruit 1.5 Proposed MRL 0.457STMR‐RAC
Blueberries 2 Proposed MRL 0.358STMR‐RAC1.28HR‐RAC
Avocados 0.15 Proposed MRL 0.021STMR‐pulp0.044HR‐pulp
Mangoes 0.3 Proposed MRL 0.056STMR‐RAC0.123HR‐RAC
Pineapples 0.09 Proposed MRL 0.066STMR‐RAC0.038HR‐RAC
Asparagus 0.015 Proposed MRL 0.019STMR‐RAC0.02HR‐RAC
Globe artichokes 0.9 Proposed MRL 0.252STMR‐RAC0.416HR‐RAC
Sunflower seeds 0.4 Proposed MRL 0.056STMR‐RAC0.056STMR‐RAC
Coffee beans 0.3 Proposed MRL 0.044STMR‐RAC0.044STMR‐RAC
Grapefruits0.15Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.0145STMR‐RAC (c) (0.013) × CF (1.16) (EFSA, 2019c)Acute risk assessment performed only for the crops under consideration
Oranges0.8Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.3016STMR‐RAC (c) (0.26) × CF (1.16) (EFSA, 2019c)
Lemons0.4Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.04408STMR‐RAC (c) (0.038) × CF (1.16) (EFSA, 2019c)
Limes0.5Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019c (d) )0.0812STMR‐RAC (0.070) × CF (1.16)
Mandarins0.8Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.3016STMR‐RAC (c) (0.013) × CF (1.16) (EFSA, 2019c)
Almonds0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Brazil nuts0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Cashew nuts0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Chestnuts0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Coconuts0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Hazelnuts/cobnuts0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Macadamia0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Pecans0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Pine nut kernels0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Pistachios0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Walnuts0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Other tree nuts0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Apples0.4Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.11STMR‐RAC
Pears0.4Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.11STMR‐RAC
Quinces0.3Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.067STMR‐RAC (e)
Medlar0.3Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.067STMR‐RAC (e)
Loquats/Japanese medlars0.3Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.067STMR‐RAC (e)
Other pome fruit0.3Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.067STMR‐RAC (e)
Apricots0.5Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.15STMR‐RAC
Cherries (sweet)1.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.34STMR‐RAC (e)
Peaches0.5Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.15STMR‐RAC
Plums0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.038STMR‐RAC (e)
Table grapes2Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.17STMR‐RAC
Wine grapes2Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.14STMR‐RAC (e)
Strawberries0.5Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.2STMR‐RAC
Currants (red, black and white)2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2022, (d) )0.39STMR‐RAC (e)
Gooseberries2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2022, (d) )0.39STMR‐RAC (e)
Rose hips2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2021, (d) )0.39STMR‐RAC (e)
Azarole/Mediteranean medlar0.3Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.07STMR‐RAC (e)
Kaki/Japanese persimmons0.3Existing MRL (FAO, 2015)0.07STMR‐RAC (e)
Potatoes0.03Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.02STMR‐RAC
Cassava roots/manioc0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Sweet potatoes0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Yams0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Arrowroots0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Other tropical root and tuber vegetables0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Beetroots0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Carrots0.05Existing MRL (FAO, 2014)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Celeriacs/turnip‐rooted celeries0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Horseradishes0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Jerusalem artichokes0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Parsnips0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Parsley roots/Hamburg roots parsley0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Radishes0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Salsifies0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Swedes/rutabagas0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Turnips0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Other roots and tuber vegetables0.03Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01STMR‐RAC (e)
Garlic0.01* Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01LOQ (e)
Onions0.01* Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.01LOQ (e)
Spring onions/green onions and Welsh onions0.7Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.11STMR‐RAC (e)
Tomatoes0.3Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.06STMR‐RAC
Sweet peppers/bell peppers0.4Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.08STMR‐RAC
Aubergines/egg plants0.3Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.06STMR‐RAC
Cucumbers0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Gherkins0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Courgettes0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Other cucurbits – edible peel0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Melons0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Pumpkins0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Watermelons0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Other cucurbits – inedible peel0.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Sweet corn0.01Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019, (d) )0.01LOQ (e)
Broccoli3FAO (2012)0.074STMR‐RAC (e)
Cauliflowers0.1Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC
Brussels sprouts0.015Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC
Head cabbages0.4Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.099STMR‐RAC (e)
Chinese cabbages/pe‐tsai2Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)1STMR‐RAC
Kales1Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC
Lamb's lettuce/corn salads0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Lettuces4Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.585STMR‐RAC
Escaroles/broad‐leaved endives0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Cress and other sprouts and shoots0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Land cress0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Roman rocket/rucola0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Red mustards0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Baby leaf crops (including brassica species)0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Other lettuce and other salad plants0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Spinaches6Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)1.34STMR‐RAC
Purslanes0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Chards/beet leaves0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Other spinach and similar0.2Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Grape leaves and similar species2Existing MRL (EFSA, 2017b)0.48STMR‐RAC
Chervil0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Chives0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Celery leaves1.5EFSA (2014a)0.255STMR‐RAC
Parsley0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Sage0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Rosemary0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Thyme0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Basil and edible flowers0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Laurel/bay leaves0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Tarragon0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Other herbs0.02Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Beans (with pods)0.15Existing MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC
Beans (without pods)0.03Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC
Peas (with pods)0.15Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC
Peas (without pods)0.03Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2022a (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC
Celeries1.5Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.19STMR‐RAC (e)
Beans0.3Existing MRL (FAO, 2014)0.08STMR‐RAC (e)
Rapeseeds/canola seeds0.15Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.07STMR‐RAC
Soyabeans0.3Existing MRL (EFSA, 2014a)0.02STMR‐RAC
Cotton seeds0.4Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.02STMR‐RAC (e)
Barley0.6Existing MRL (FAO, 2012)0.06STMR‐RAC (e)
Maize/corn0.01* Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.01* LOQ (e)
Oat0.06Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC
Rice1.5Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )1.5MRL (e)
Rye0.03Proposed MRL (EFSA, 2019b, (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC
Sorghum0.2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Wheat0.2FAO (2012)0.03STMR‐RAC (e)
Swine: Muscle/meat0.4Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.16STMR‐RAC (e)
Swine: Fat tissue0.2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.06STMR‐RAC (e)
Swine: Liver1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Swine: Kidney1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Swine: Edible offals (other than liver and kidney)1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Bovine: Muscle/meat0.4Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.16STMR‐RAC (e)
Bovine: Fat tissue0.2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.06STMR‐RAC (e)
Bovine: Liver1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Bovine: Kidney1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Bovine: Edible offals (other than liver and kidney)1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Sheep: Muscle/meat0.4Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.16STMR‐RAC (e)
Sheep: Fat tissue0.2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.06STMR‐RAC (e)
Sheep: Liver1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Sheep: Kidney1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Sheep: Edible offals (other than liver and kidney)1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Goat: Muscle/meat0.4Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.16STMR‐RAC (e)
Goat: Fat tissue0.2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.06STMR‐RAC (e)
Goat: Liver1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Goat: Kidney1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Goat: Edible offals (other tha liver and kindey)1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Equine: Muscle/meat0.4Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.16STMR‐RAC (e)
Equine: Fat tissue0.2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.06STMR‐RAC (e)
Equine: Liver1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Equine: Kidney1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Equine: Edible offals (other than liver and kidney)1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Poultry: Muscle/meat0.7Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.64STMR‐RAC (e)
Poultry: Fat tissue0.03Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.02STMR‐RAC (e)
Poultry: Liver0.3Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.18STMR‐RAC (e)
Poultry: Kidney0.3Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.18STMR‐RAC (e)
Poultry: Edible offals (other than liver and kideny)0.3Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.18STMR‐RAC (e)
Other farmed animals: Muscle/meat0.4Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.06STMR‐RAC (e)
Other farmed animals: Fat tissue0.2Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.06STMR‐RAC (e)
Other farmed animals: Liver1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Other farmed animals: Kidney1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Other farmed animals: Edible offals (other than liver and kidney)1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.44STMR‐RAC (e)
Milk: Cattle0.3Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.14STMR‐RAC (e)
Milk: Sheep0.3Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.14STMR‐RAC (e)
Milk: Goat0.3Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.14STMR‐RAC (e)
Milk: Horse0.3Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.14STMR‐RAC (e)
Milk: Others0.3Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.14STMR‐RAC (e)
Eggs: Chicken0.1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.07STMR‐RAC (e)
Eggs: Duck0.1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.07STMR‐RAC (e)
Eggs: Goose0.1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.07STMR‐RAC (e)
Eggs: Quail0.1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.07STMR‐RAC (e)
Eggs: Others0.1Proposed MRL (FAO, 2019 (d) )0.07STMR‐RAC (e)
Other crops/commodities

STMR‐RAC: supervised trials median residue in raw agricultural commodity; HR‐RAC: highest residue in raw agricultural commodity; PeF: Peeling factor. PRIMo vs. 3.1 calculations were performed in the ‘refined calculation mode’.

*Indicates that the value is proposed at the limit of quantification.
(a):MRLs were calculated based on residue values according to the residue definition for enforcement.
(b)Figures in the table are rounded to two digits, but the calculations are normally performed with the actually calculated values (which may contain more digits). To reproduce dietary burden calculations, the unrounded values need to be used.
(c)Median residues refer to whole fruits. Data were not sufficient to derive an STMR for citrus pulp (FAO, 2015).
(d)MRLs not yet implemented by Regulation.
(e)All STMRs derived by Codex refer to residues of parent compound only and do not comply with the risk assessment residue definition at EU level, which includes also the metabolite X11719474. Considering the low concentration and the toxicological profile of the metabolite, EFSA concluded this deviation does not have a practical implication for the consumer risk assessment. Except for cherries (up to 0.03 mg/kg) and cereal straw (up to 0.034 mg/kg), concentrations of this metabolite were at or close to the LOQ of 0.01 mg/kg (EFSA, 2015, 2019d, 2022a).

Appendix E – Used compound codes


Code/trivial name (a) IUPAC name/SMILES notation/InChiKey (b) Structural formula (c)


FC(F)(F)c1ccc(cn1)C(C)S(C)(=O) = NC#N


An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is EFS2-21-e08062-g004.jpg

N N‐[methyl(oxo){1‐[6‐(trifluoromethyl)pyridin‐3‐yl]ethyl}‐λ6‐sulfanylidene]urea

FC(F)(F)c1ccc(cn1)C(C)S(C)(=O) = NC(N) = O


An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is EFS2-21-e08062-g006.jpg




An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is EFS2-21-e08062-g007.jpg

IUPAC: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; SMILES: simplified molecular‐input line‐entry system; InChiKey: International Chemical Identifier Key.

(a)The metabolite name in bold is the name used in the conclusion.
(b)ACD/Name 2020.2.1 ACD/Labs 2020 Release (File version N15E41, Build 116563, 15 June 2020).
(c)ACD/ChemSketch 2020.2.1 ACD/Labs 2020 Release (File version C25H41, Build 121153, 22 March 2021).


Suggested citation: EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) , Bellisai G, Bernasconi G, Brancato A, Cabrera LC, Castellan I, Del Aguila M, Ferreira L, Santonja GG, Greco L, Jarrah S, Leuschner R, Miron I, Nave S, Pedersen R, Reich H, Ruocco S, Santos M, Scarlato AP, Theobald A, Tiramani M and Verani A, 2023. Reasoned Opinion on the setting of import tolerances for sulfoxaflor in various crops. EFSA Journal 2023;21(6):8062, 44 pp. 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.8062 [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

Requestor European Commission

Question number EFSA‐Q‐2022‐00436

Declarations of interest If you wish to access the declaration of interests of any expert contributing to an EFSA scientific assessment, please contact ue.aporue.asfe@tnemeganamtseretni.

Acknowledgements EFSA wishes to thank Stathis Anagnos, Javier Martinez Perez, Andrea Mioč, Marta Szot, for the support provided to this scientific output.

EFSA may include images or other content for which it does not hold copyright. In such cases, EFSA indicates the copyright holder and users should seek permission to reproduce the content from the original source.

Adopted: 23 May 2023


1 Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC. OJ L 309, 24.11.2009, p. 1–50.

2 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1295 of 27 July 2015 approving the active substance sulfoxaflor, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market, and amending the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011. OJL 199, 29.7.2015, p. 8–11.

3 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/686 of 28 April 2022 amending Implementing Regulations (EU) 2015/1295 and (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the conditions of approval of the active substance sulfoxaflor

4 Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC. OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1–16.

5 For an overview of all MRL Regulations on this active substance, please consult:

6 Commission Regulation (EU) No 544/2011 of 10 June 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the data requirements for active substances. OJ L 155, 11.6.2011, p. 1–66.

7 Commission Regulation (EU) No 546/2011 of 10 June 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards uniform principles for evaluation and authorisation of plant protection products. OJ L 155, 11.6.2011, p. 127–175.

8 Report of the 53rd session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues REP22/PR53:



11 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2018/62 of 17 January 2018 replacing Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23.1.208; OJ L 18/1‐73

12 The risk assessment residue definition derived by the JMPR is ‘sulfoxaflor’, both in commodities of plant and animal origin

13 Provided that MRL proposals assessed recently by EFSA (EFSA, 2019c, 2022a) and the CXL proposals referred to in EFSA scientific report (EFSA, 2019d, FAO, 2019, 2021) and currently under assessment (EFSA, 2022b) for sulfoxaflor will be adopted in the EU MRL legislation.


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