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Table 3

Outcome of the comparative compositional analysis in fuzzy seeds for cotton COT102. The table shows the number of endpoints in each category

Test of difference (a)
Not differentSignificantly different
Test of equivalence (b) Category I/II3111 (c)
Category III/IV1 (d)
Not categorised1 (e)
Total endpoints44
(a)Comparison between cotton COT102 and its non‐GM comparator.
(b)Four different outcomes: category I (indicating full equivalence to the non‐GM reference varieties); category II (equivalence is more likely than non‐equivalence); category III (non‐equivalence is more likely than equivalence); and category IV (indicating non‐equivalence). Not categorised means that the test of equivalence was not applied because of the lack of variation among the non‐GM reference varieties.
(c)Endpoints with significant differences between cotton COT102 and its non‐GM comparator falling in equivalence category I‐II: ash, calcium, phosphorus, myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), palmitoleic acid (C16:1), oleic acid (C18:1), malvalic acid, α‐tocopherol, free gossypol and total gossypol.
(d)Endpoint with significant differences between the cotton COT102 and its non‐GM comparator and falling in equivalence category III‐IV: ADF. Estimated means are reported for these endpoints in Table 4.
(e)Endpoint not categorised for equivalence and without significant differences between the cotton COT102 and its non‐GM comparator: methionine.