Fever and hypothermia burdens when classified as hypothermia, normothermia, or fever at triage.

Hypothermia in triage (<36°C) (n = 20)Normothermia in triage (36°C–38°C) (n = 137)Fever in triage (>38°C) (n = 99)p value
Age (years), mean ± SD67.2 ± 19.662.3 ± 16.856.4 ± 18.70.009
Sex (male) (n = 254), n (%)7 (35.0)75 (55.6)54 (54.6)0.220
SIRS (triage), median (IQR)3 (2‐4)2 (2‐2)3 (2‐3)<0.001
qSOFA (triage), n (%)
04 (20)67 (48.9)50 (50.5)0.057
113 (65)60 (43.8)36 (36.4)
23 (15)10 (7.3)13 (13.1)
IHM, n (%)3 (15.8)10 (7.3)6 (6.1)0.333
ED fever burden (UTB × min), median (IQR)N/A179 (81‐374) a 365 (174‐717)0.005
ED hypothermia burden (UTB × min), median (IQR)281 (153‐391)114 (26‐565) b N/A0.086

Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; IHM, in‐hospital mortality; IQR, interquartile range; qSOFA, quick Sequential (Sepsis‐Associated) Organ Failure Assessment; SD, standard deviation; SIRS, Systemic Inflammatory Response System Criteria; UTB, unit of temperature burden.

a49 (35.8%) patients with normothermia in the triage cohort became febrile during their ED stay.

b7 (5.1%) patients with normothermia in the triage cohort became hypothermic during their ED stay.
