Table 1

Main clinical features of the affected individuals with biallelic variants in MED27

Category/clinical feature n (percentage)
Sex28 males, 29 females
Consanguinity21/30 (70%)
Mean age at the most recent follow-up, years17 ± 12.4 (range 0.1–45)
Abnormal prenatal and perinatal history6/55 (11%), NA 2
Mortality9/57 (16%)
Failure-to-thrive11/47 (24%), NA 10
Microcephaly24/39 (62%), NA 18
Cognitive impairment/ID54/55 (98%), NA 2
Severity of ID38% mild; 30% moderate-to-severe; 21% severe-to-profound; 10% NA
Hypotonia in infancy32/43 (74%), NA 14
Motor delay48/53 (91%), NA 4
No acquisition of independent gait23/52 (44%), NA 5
Speech delay/non-verbal53/53 (100%), NA 4
Able to perform ADLs17/49 (35%), NA 8
Regression19/52 (37%), NA 5
Progressive course20/47 (43%), NA 10
Dysmorphic features20/52 (38%), NA 5
Bilateral cataracts49/55 (89%), NA 2
Seizures27/54 (50%), NA 3
Mean age of seizure onset, years6.2 ± 2.3 (range 0.1–10)
Dysarthria19/29 (66%), NA 28
Hypotonia at follow-up28/51 (55%), NA 9
Spasticity26/51 (51%), NA 6
Cerebellar ataxia20/62 (63%), NA2 5
Dystonia/dyskinesia30/49 (61%), NA 8
Joint contractures20/52 (38%), NA 5
Cerebellar atrophy36/36 (100%); NA 21; mild 22/36 (61%); moderate-to-severe 14/36 (39%)
Pontine hypoplasia17/36 (47%)
Basal ganglia abnormalities32/36 (89%)

ADL = activities of daily living; ID = intellectual disability; NA = not available or not applicable/unable to assess.
