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Criteria for epidemiological studies of long‐term effects in humans.

Study designIn

Cross‐sectional studies

Cohort studies

Case–control studies

Study characteristicsInDuration of exposure > 6 months. For continuous outcomes > 100 subjects and for discrete outcomes > 5, Exposures to arsenic concentrations < 150 μg/L in drinking water or corresponding exposure level for arsenic biomarkers
PopulationInAny country. Any age groups
Exposure estimateIn

iAs intake per day

As in drinking water

iAs in urine and its metabolites

Total urinary iAs (u‐tiAs), i.e. sum of iAs and metabolites MMA and DMA

Other iAs biomarkers that can be transformed into iAs intake


Intake of total As

Total As in urine or blood, unless arsenobetaine could be excluded

Studies on inhalation of arsenic

Studies with occupational exposure

OutcomesInAny long‐term adverse outcomes

Lack of age or sex

Lack of smoking data for lung and bladder cancer outcome

Lack of data on sun exposure or skin sensitivity to UV light for skin cancer

Lack of smoking or BMI for T2D outcome

Lack of covariates (child characteristics/parents' education or maternal intelligence/socioeconomic status) for neurodevelopment

Time periodInFrom 1/1/2009 to 18/7/2022 and papers described reviewed by EFSA in 2009
Publication typeInPeer‐reviewed original research, systematic reviews, meta‐analyses a
OutExpert opinions. Editorials. Letters. PhD theses. Conference proceedings. Conference abstracts.

Abbreviations: As, arsenic; BMI, body mass index; DMA, sum of dimethylarsinous acid and dimethylarsinic acid; EFSA, European Food Safety Authority; iAs, inorganic arsenic; MMA, sum of monomethylarsonous acid and monomethylarsonic acid; PhD, Doctor of Philosophy; T2D, type 2 diabetes; u‐tiAs, total urinary iAs (sum of iAs and its methylated metabolites MMA and DMA) ; UV, ultraviolet.

a Such publications have not been used for risk assessment.