Fig. 4

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Gene expression patterns involved in the juvenile development of Daphnia mitsukuri. A Gene expression patterns of genes highly expressed at the juvenile stages in D. mitsukuri. The numbers in parentheses after each pattern indicates the number of genes that exhibit that pattern (P1-P5). B Correlations between module eigengenes and developmental stages in D. mitsukuri according to the WGCNA analysis. The numbers within the heat map represent correlations and FDR-corrected P-values (in parentheses; red, positively correlated, blue, negatively correlated) for the module-pattern associations. C Venn diagram showing the overlap between genes in P1 and genes in the “magenta” module. D Co-expression network of P1 genes that were found in “magenta” module. Edges with weight > 0.2 are plotted. Circle sizes represent the relative importance of each gene in the network. Orange dots represent the top 20 most-connected genes in this network and other genes are represented by green dots
