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Figure 1

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Unilateral LFS facilitates contralateral glutamate release of the ACC. (a) Representative recording diagram and photograph showing the placement of the stimulating electrode on one side of the ACC and the recording electrode on the contralateral ACC. (b) One sample showed ACC stimulation-induced facilitation of the frequency instead of the amplitude of the sEPSC. (c,d). Cumulative fraction of inter-event interval (c) and amplitude (d) of the sEPSCs in the phase of baseline (dash line) and after LFS (black line). (e) The average frequency of sEPSC in 1 h. The LFS was applied 10 min after the baseline recording (shown in arrow). (f) Summarized results of the frequency of sEPSC from 5 different potentiation-induced protocols (black: baseline; red: 1 Hz for 60 s; blue: 1 Hz for 180 s; grey: 10 Hz for 10 s; green: 100 Hz for 1 s; orange: TBS). * p < 0.05, one-way ANOVA. (g) Averaged amplitude of sEPSC in 1 h. (h) Summarized results of the amplitude of sEPSC from 5 different potentiation−induced protocols (black: baseline; red: 1 Hz for 60 s; blue: 1 Hz for 180 s; grey: 10 Hz for 10 s; green: 100 Hz for 1 s; orange: TBS).

Images in this article

  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4
  • Figure 5
  • Figure 6
  • Figure 7

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