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AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2024; 2024: 334–343.
Published online 2024 May 31.
PMCID: PMC11141828
PMID: 38827110

Enhancing Clinical Predictive Modeling through Model Complexity-Driven Class Proportion Tuning for Class Imbalanced Data: An Empirical Study on Opioid Overdose Prediction

Yinan Liu, 1 Xinyu Dong, 1 Weimin Lyu, MS, 1 Richard N. Rosenthal, MD, 1 Rachel Wong, MD, 1 Tengfei Ma, Ph.D., 2 Jun Kong, Ph.D., 3 and Fusheng Wang, Ph.D. 1


Class imbalance issues are prevalent in the medical field and significantly impact the performance of clinical predictive models. Traditional techniques to address this challenge aim to rebalance class proportions. They generally assume that the rebalanced proportions are derived from the original data, without considering the intricacies of the model utilized. This study challenges the prevailing assumption and introduces a new method that ties the optimal class proportions to model complexity. This approach allows for individualized tuning of class proportions for each model. Our experiments, centered on the opioid overdose prediction problem, highlight the performance gains achieved by this approach. Furthermore, rigorous regression analysis affirms the merits of the proposed theoretical framework, demonstrating a statistically significant correlation between hyperparameters controlling model complexity and the optimal class proportions.


The class imbalance problem is a common occurrence in medical machine learning, largely because “positive” patients typically constitute only a small portion of the overall population. For example, the positive rate is less than 1% for opioid overdose, about 2% for opioid use disorder, and between 3% and 20% for acute kidney injury in the Health Facts database21,22,23. In these settings, we may use metrics such as F1 score, precision, and recall to evaluate model performance, since classification errors can mislead27, e.g., in a highly imbalanced dataset, a model that predominantly predicts the negative class can still showcase a low classification error, even if it’s not effectively identifying the positive cases.

Optimizing an F1 score is usually done by manipulating the input distribution without changing the internals of machine learning algorithms10. For instance, to “encourage” the classifier to pay more attention to positive instances, we can impose a heavier penalty on the misclassification of positive instances (hereafter “cost-sensitive learning”) or replicate more positive instances in the training data (hereafter “resampling techniques”). Techniques such as SMOTE, ADASYN, and GAN family methods3,5,18,19 are based on similar principles. For both cost-sensitive learning and resampling techniques, we only need to tune one hyper-parameter, the positive weight scalar (PWS): in cost-sensitive learning we use the scalar to amplify the cost term for each positive instance, and in resampling techniques we use it to increase the probability that a positive instance is sampled. Studies on the determination of this hyper-parameter3,8,10,11,13,14,17,20 assert that PWS should merely be a function of the structure of data. Let ρ be the ratio between negative and positive instances. PWS as inverse class frequency ρ or inverse square root of class frequency ρ are two common approaches. Referring to the opioid abuse detection problem, where only 1% of the instances are positive, we replicate the positive instances 10 (using the ρ rule) or 100 (using the ρ rule) times in training.

In this paper, we formulate the following hypotheses: H1. Tradeoffs across different error metrics: PWS only provides tradeoffs between an F1 score and other error metrics and does not produce strictly better models. H2. Tradeoffs between bias and variance in F1 score optimizations: A larger PWS will usually improve an in-sample F1 score, reduce the effective sample, and degrade test performance.

Validation/our methodology

We start with a small synthetic study to highlight that tweaking the input distribution or cost function only results in a tradeoff, e.g., improving F1 scores at the cost of other metrics, and does not produce a strictly better model. We then analyze the role of PWS in predicting opioid overdose by training a massive number of models with different hyper-parameters in four widely used model families, perform regression analysis to understand the relationship between optimal PWS and model complexity, and confirm our hypotheses.

Theoretical and practical implications

Theoretically, our findings mark a significant departure from the prevailing machine learning (ML) approaches used to address class imbalance issues. The F1 score offers a harmonized metric for both precision and recall and is especially favored in scenarios with imbalanced data29. The variance-bias tradeoff in optimizing F1 scores is clarified by associating optimal class proportions to the model complexity. Practically, our results indicate that, upon including a positive weight scalar (PWS), most conventional models will achieve notable improvements in their F1 scores with near-zero cost adjustments of the hyperparameter tuning efforts. Prior to our work, medical machine learning research depended more heavily on existing ML libraries than on designing new specialized models, primarily because of the cost24,25,26. Moreover, hyperparameter tuning was usually restricted by computational limits and often overlooked PWS, leading to suboptimal models. Figure 1 shows that reweighing training data does not enhance models.

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Reweighting the training data does not guarantee better model performance. The introduction of PWS leads to a tradeoff : while F1 scores improve, MSE deteriorates, making predictions not strictly better. This figure is based on synthetic training data generated using a logistic linear model under two conditions: D0 (blue, labeled as “unif. weight”) and D1 (red, labeled as “resampled”). Only 5% of the samples from D0 are positive, while around 50% from D1 are positive. We utilized these datasets, simulating original and reweighted data scenarios, to fit logistic models. The histogram on the left showcases the l2-error of the estimated coefficients in comparison to the ground truth. Notably, models trained on data from D1 (reweighted data) perform worse. The scatter plot on the right reveals the relationship between F1 scores and MSE of the estimated coefficients: models using reweighted data shows worse MSE but better F1 scores.


Problem formulation

We consider a binary classification problem using d-dimensional features. Our goal is to fit a function


where y ∈ {0, 1} and xRd. We let f (·) be the commonly used machine learning black boxes such as gradient boosted decision trees4,15,16, or neural networks7, and let T = {(xi, yi)}in be the set of training data. The class imbalance problem arises when the fraction of positive labels is substantially smaller than the fraction of negative labels. Under this setting more robust metrics such as the F1 score are often used to replace mean square errors (MSEs) or classification errors to assess model performance. We define F1 score as:


where TP is the number of true positives, FP is the number of false positives, and FN is the number of false negatives. We note that precision and recalls can also define F1 score29.

Training and addressing class imbalance problems. Many tools and algorithms generally use existing ML architecture and tweak the cost function or the distribution of the training data to incentivize classifiers to err less on positive instances and improve F1 scores. Specifically, we let l(yi,y^l) be a loss function used in an ML model, e.g., l(y,y^)=(yy^)2 for MSE and l(y,y^)=(ylog(y^)+(1y)log(1y^)) for binary cross entropy loss. Without the presence of class imbalance problems, typically we would minimize


Cost sensitive learning and resampling are often used to address the class imbalance problem, both of which aim to increase the cost of making errors on positive instances and are equivalent under certain conditions9. The use of cost sensitive learning increases the cost for the positive instances, i.e., the new cost function becomes


where TP = {(xi, yi) ∈ T| yi = 1} is the subset of positive instances in T, TN = TTP is the subset of negative instances, and γ > 1 is PWS. The use of resampling replaces the training set used in Eq.1 to D (i.e., we optimize (xi,yi)Dl(yi,f(xi)), where each element in D is sampled from T so that (xi, yi) is sampled with probability p when yi = 0 and γ ⋅ p when yi = 1. Here, γ is PWS and p is a normalizing constant so that all probability masses sum to 1.

Methodology and Experimental Design

This section describes the setup of our experiments to confirm H1 and H2. We first examine a synthetic dataset to gain intuitions. Then we explain the experiments for the opioid overdose problem based on real data.

Intuition of error metrics’ tradeoff

As mentioned, we start with a small synthetic study and use a synthetic dataset produced by a logistic regression model to understand the relationship between PWS and model complexity. Recall that in a logistic model,


In a standard convergence analysis, we assume that i.i.d. samples (xi, yi) from distribution D are observed and we find an estimator (ω^,ω^0) that optimizes the likelihood function. The maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) (ω^,ω^0) is unbiased and its variance is usually related to the covariance matrix of xi (i.e., asymptotic normality of MLE17).

We consider two distributions D0 and D1 in which D0 is the original distribution that results in imbalanced y’s, whereas D1 tweaks the distribution for x so that the fraction of positive y’s become larger. We consider training two models using the same amount of data, where the MLEs constructed under both distributions are asymptotically normal, i.e., both have the same mean that coincides with the ground-truth, and different variances. Because two estimators are trained using the same number of samples, it is unlikely that the quality of one estimator predominates, i.e., the confidence interval (set) or the equidistant contours are only rotated but not shrunk when the data distribution changes from D0 to D1.

To illustrate, we let d = 100 (number of features) and n = 120 (number of observations) and use the model specified in Eq.3 to generate the training data. We set ω0 to be a negative number with a suitable magnitude so that the fraction of positive instances is small when E[x] = 0. For D0, we assume that x follows standard normal distribution. For D1, we follow D0 to sample a sufficiently large training data and then delete a large fraction of negative instances to obtain an approximate balance between the positive and negative instances. We note that D1 emulates the standard over-sampling trick.

We generate 100 groups of data for each of D0 and D1 and examine the distributions of estimators. Referring to Fig. 1, we see that the estimators from D1 are worse than those from D0 if we measure the MSE of the estimators (Fig. 1 left), but the F1 scores are higher under D1. In Fig. 1 (right), we see that the scatter points of models under D1 moving from lower right to upper left indicate the tradeoff, i.e., F1 improves at the cost of estimator accuracy.

Results of this synthetic study have helped us to construct H2: a large PWS rotates the confidence set to a direction that is better for F1 score but it also reduces the effective sample size. Consider for example the case PWS → ∞. Here we care effectively only about the positive instances and the training set size is substantially smaller. Thus, we shall expect to see a tradeoff: as the complexity of the models grows we first need to scale up PWS, but at a certain point PWS needs to stop growing and shrink to prevent the volume of confidence set to grow excessively large due to lack of effective samples. This also implies PWS should be optimized per model instead of being set as a constant.


We adopt data from Cerner’s Health Facts21, a major EHR database in the United States. It has information of nearly 69 million patients from over 600 participating clinical facilities. This database is structured based on patients’ encounters, which contain diagnoses, procedures, patients’ demographics, medication dosage and administration information, vital signs, laboratory test results, surgical case information, health systems attributes and other clinical observations. For this opioid overdose28 study, we extracted all patients with opioid prescriptions from Health Facts. After extraction, there are 5,231,614 patients left, 44,774 of them are positive cases. The positive rate is less than 1%. See also Fig. 2 for our data collection workflow.

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A flowchart of collecting and generating experimental data

From the dataset, we extracted 1185 features by following the predefined processes1,21. This includes 414 diagnosis codes features, 394 laboratory test features, 3 demographic features, 227 clinical events features, and 147 medication features. Utilizing these features, we applied the BERT model in the two classic pretraining methods: masked language model and next sentence prediction31. After training, the resultant embeddings for each patient input consisted of 50 dimensions, serving as patient representations. We used the representations to conduct our research.


In our study, we’ve chosen four prevalent machine learning models that have consistently surpassed more sophisticated or customized counterparts in public benchmarks2,12,15. Two models are based on boosted classification trees (lightgbm and catboost), and the other two are based on deep learning. We trained a total of 26,000 models, encompassing 8,000 lightgbm, 2,000 catboost, and 16,000 neural net models. To identify the optimal PWS for each, we explored values ranging from 1 to 150. Every hyperparameter combination was subject to random sampling and underwent multiple tests. Table 1 lists the models, hyper-parameters, and values.

Table 1.

Four machine learning models and the hyper-parameters and values examined.

Model nameHyper-parameterValues of hyper-parameters
LightgbmNumber of estimators (trees)100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 8000, 10000
Max depth of a tree4, 5, 7
Max number of leaves in a tree100, 300, 500, 1000
Learning rates0.1, 0.05, 0.01
CatboostNumber of estimators (trees)100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 8000, 10000
Max depth of a tree4, 5, 7
Learning rates0.1, 0.05, 0.01
MLP (both weighted cost and resampling)Width of the hidden layer(s)50, 100
Number of layers1, 2
Scale down initialization1, 0.1
Batch normalizationNo, only after input, after every linear-relu layer
Learning rates10–1, 10–2, 10–8, 10–9
Momentum0.1, 0.9


The Lightgbm model offers a set of highly effective heuristic learning rules while maintaining comparable computational efficiency. It implements a variant of gradient boosted regression trees and progressively builds a collection of tree-based base learners. Each base learner is a decision tree with its depth and number of leaves controlled by hyper-parameters. After training a new base learner, the model adjusts the response by residualizing it against the estimation from the new base learner.


The Catboost model implements another variant of gradient boosted decision trees. It integrates a larger number of new heuristics and statistical estimation techniques in training. The new techniques properly address a so-called “target leak” problem found in boosting-based models.

Neural nets weighted cost function

We consider multi-layer perceptrons with one or two hidden layers. We wire PWS through the cost function and optimize the cost function from Eq.2.

Neural nets resampling25

We use the same set of model architecture as above. We wire PWS through resampling, i.e., a positive instance is γ times more likely to be sampled than a negative instance in a stochastic gradient batch, where γ is PWS.

Model complexity

Next, we detail the hyperparameters that potentially relate to the model’s complexity, which we will use to analyze the relationship between model complexity and optimal PWS. (i) Lightgbm and Catboost: Both the number of leaves, the depth of the tree, and learning rates could be related to these models’ complexity. Number of leaves is also related to lightgbm’s model complexity (catboost cannot tune this hyper-parameter). (ii) Neural nets: The width of each layer and the number of layers is most related to model complexity.

In general, it is not always straightforward to determine whether a hyperparameter is related to model complexity. (i) we determine that the learning rate, batch size, momentum, or scale of randomly initialized learnable parameters are not part of neural nets’ model complexity although some evidence suggests they could potentially regularize fitting30. (ii) while neural nets with weighted cost functions and those with resampling share the same architecture, they seem to have different capacity in fitting training data so they may not have the same model complexity. (iii) Catboost can still fit training data well even with a small number of trees/estimators, suggesting that it may be harder to characterize catboost’s model complexity. We shall see in the next section that quantifying a model’s complexity is indeed a delicate exercise.

We consider multi-layer perceptrons with one or two hidden layers. We train these neural nets in two ways. (i) Using weight-adjusted cost function. We wire PWS through the cost function and optimize the cost function from Eq.2. (ii) Using resampling. We wire PWS through resampling, i.e., a positive instance is γ times more likely to be sampled than a negative instance in a stochastic gradient batch, where γ is PWS.

Model complexity of neural nets

The size of neural networks (e.g., the width of each layer and the total number of layers) are most related to the model complexity. The landscape in practice is more delicate. For example, while two families of neural nets (neural nets with weight adjusted cost and neural nets with re-sampling) theoretically minimize the same utility function, it seems neural nets with resampling is better at fitting training data so it may have higher model complexity.

Experimental results

This section describes the results of our experiments and our regression analyses. We first examine the performance improvements obtained by tuning PWS for all four families of models with different hyper-parameters. Our baseline models assume that PWS is a constant set to 10 or 100. Table 2 lists the results.

Table 2.

Performance of models with different PWS. We considered lightgbm (lgbm), catboost, multi-layer perceptron with weighted cost (mlp.wcost), and multi-layer perceptron with resampling (mlp.wsample). We also consider three ways of determining PWS, including grid search (rows with suffix ‘.opt’), using the linear rule to set it as constant 100 (rows with suffix ‘w.100’), and using the square root rule to set it as constant 10 (rows with suffix ‘w.10’). We display f1 score and error for training and test, and roc, precision, and recall for test. The PWS column is the optimal PWS for the ones using grid search, and the constants used for the one using linear or square root rules.

lgbm.opt 53.1% 25 95.1%57.8%49.2%1.5%49.1%1.5%
Baseline: lgbm.fixed.w51.5%1095.0%57.3%47.1%1.4%53.2%1.3%
Baseline: lgbm.fixed.w51.3%10095.1%59.3%45.4%6.5%48.6%6.5%
catboost.opt 52.1% 35 94.4%58.6%47.1%2.8%57.2%2.5%
Baseline: cb.fixed.w51.0%1095.1%57.5%45.9%1.4%52.2%1.2%
Baseline: cb.fixed.w50.4%10093.8%56.9%45.3%4.4%53.7%4.1%
mlp.wcost.opt 50.8% 70 86.9%55.4%47.2%4.9%48.7%4.8%
Baseline: mlp.wcost.1050.3%1082.4%51.2%49.8%2.2%48.8%2.2%
Baseline: mlp.wcost.10050.4%10090.3%54.0%47.4%7.8%48.7%7.8%
mlp.wsample.opt 50.8% 57 86.4%52.1%49.6%5.6%49.1%5.5%
Baseline: mlp.wsample.1050.5%1079.3%56.4%45.8%1.4%50.2%1.4%
Baseline: mlp.wsample.10050.3%10090.8%53.3%47.9%8.7%48.7%8.6%

We have three major finding results. First, tuning only PWS improves the F1 scores in all scenarios. Since the models tend to plateau at around 50%6, a 53.1% F1score for lgbm.opt denotes a significant improvement. Second, model-dependent optimal PWS is consistent with H2. Third, the tradeoffs (F1 scores improve but classification errors increase) between the two-performance metrics also confirm H1.

We also produce scatter plots of the F1 scores for the four families of models. In Figure 2, each point corresponds to one model with a fixed hyper-parameter set, the x-axis represents the models’ F1 scores for the training data, and the y-axis represents the F1 scores for the test data.

We find three major results. First, all four families have variance-bias tradeoff phenomena. When the models’ training F1 scores improve, the test F1 scores improve until the training and test F1 scores are around 50%. Afterward, while the training F1 scores can continue to improve, the test F1 scores either stay flat (catboost models) or reduce (lightgbm and MLP with resampling). Second, while lightgbm and catboost are variants of gradient boosted regression trees, they have substantially different training behaviors, i.e., all catboost models fit the training data well (have ≥ 0.4 F1 scores), whereas a considerable portion lightgbm models do not properly fit the training data (i.e., ≤ 0.4 F1 scores). Third, all MLP with weighted cost functions fail to fit the training data (have ≤ 0.6 scores), whereas MLP with resampling fit the training data better. Note that these two families of neural nets use the same set of architectures. All these findings suggest that characterizing model complexity via hyper-parameters is remarkably challenging.

Linear regression analyses

This section analyzes the relationship between PWS and model complexities based on the 26,000 models we trained. We use linear regression because it has more robust procedures to estimate model coefficients and the t-statistics, although model complexity variables and PWS may not be exactly linearly related. We start with lightgbm, because its statistical behaviors are well known and it requires few heuristics, followed by the catboost and neural net models.

Lightgbm regression model

As mentioned earlier, the hyper-parameters related to lightgbm’s complexity include the number of estimators, learning rates, maximum depth for each tree, and maximum number of leaves in each tree. For each set of hyper-parameters, we find k best PWS values. Then we construct k observations, each using model hyper-parameter as covariates and optimal PWS as responses. We then fit the following model:


where x1 is the number of estimators, x2 is learning rates, x8 is max tree depth, x4 is the number of leaves, and the response y is the corresponding optimal PWS. We fit for both training and test data (i.e., choose models with the best training F1 scores for training data and choose those with best test scores for test data). The number of PWS’s for each hyper-parameter group k controls a tradeoff between estimation accuracy and estimation quality. When k = 1, we focus only on the optimal PWS and obtain the most ideal response, but the total number of observations is smaller. When k becomes larger, we pick the top k models for each set of hyper-parameters and note that even though some non-best models are selected, the total number of observations is larger. Multiple k’s is examined to improve the robustness of our analysis.

From H2, we expect PWS will eventually need to shrink for test performance as model complexity increases. In addition, the optimal PWS for training data should increase as more complex models are used. Specifically, when we use simple models, the set of decision boundaries is quite rigid (i.e., decision boundaries for linear models are linear). In this case, large PWS could alter the decision boundaries to undesirable positions, thus harming the F1 scores of both the training and test data. When more complex models are used, decision boundaries have higher degrees of freedom so increasing PWS improve training F1 scores.

Table 3 lists the estimated coefficient, the t-statistics associated with the coefficient and the correlations between each covariate and the response. The t-statistics (whether the relationships are statistically significant) and their directions are the most important. We consider a variable statistically significant when the absolute value of its t-statistics is at least 3 (corresponding to p-value 0.003).

Table 3.

Regression analysis for lightgbm

n_estimaters (x1)learning_rate (x2)max_depth (x3)num_leaves(x4)

Discussion. We find the results are consistent with our expectations from H2. First, β1 to β4 are positive in the regression models for the training data, which suggests that PWS increases to optimize F1 scores as the models grow more complex. We find negative β1 , β2, and β4 in the regression models for the test data, which suggests that PWS decreases to optimize F1 scores as the models grow more complex and find that β3 (the coefficient associated with max depth) is similar, although less statistically significant.

Catboost regression model

We mimic lightgbm, but since we cannot directly control the number of leaves in the hyper-parameters in catboost, our regression becomes:


where x1 is the number of estimators, x2 is learning rates, x3 is max tree depth, and y is the corresponding PWS. We continue to examine k = 1, 3, 5 and run the model for training and test sets. Again, we note that measuring the complexity of catboost models can be subtle because even when a catboost model consists of a small number of trees (estimators), it can still fit the training data well. To address this issue, we remove catboost models with small numbers of trees from our regression analysis. Table 4 lists the results for catboost models with 2,000 or more trees.

Table 4.

Regression analysis for catboost with 2,000 or more trees

n_estimaters (x1)learning_rate (x2)max_depth (x3)

Discussion. The results are similar to lightgbm. We find mostly positive βi for the training data. The coefficients associated with learning rates and max depth are significant in training, whereas all coefficients are insignificant (from 0, i.e., we cannot reject the null hypothesis that all coefficients are 0) for the test data. Unlike lightgbm, the coefficients associated with the number of estimators and max depth are positive (albeit not significant) in test set, suggesting that catboost is better at preventing overfitting. In general, it also reflects that measuring model complexity for more recent models that use advanced statistical techniques is harder.

MLP regression models

Compared to boosting-based models, MLP regression analysis requires examining a larger number of models for each set of complexity-related hyper-parameters. In addition to tuning the width and number of hidden layers, we also need to tune many other hyperparameters (i.e., random initialization scales, whether to batch normalize, learning rates, and momentum) to optimize training performance. To address this issue, we remove irrelevant hyper-parameters from our regression analyses.

Our final regression model consists of only two covariates:


where x1 is the width of each hidden layer, and x2 is the number of hidden layers. We examine 1,000 models check, and increase k (i.e., k = 100, 200, 300) to obtain more robust responses. Table 5 lists the results.

Table 5.

Regression analysis for MLP


Discussion. We find that MLP resembles the lightgbm and catboost results. We find that β1 and β2 are positive and significant in the training set, whereas all coefficients are insignificant in the test set, which again suggests the presence of two competing forces (improving F1 score vs reducing variance error) controls the optimal values of PWS.

As we have noted, since the width and number of hidden layers may not properly characterize the complexity of deep neural nets, it may be the reason that we do not see β1 and β2 being negative and significant for test sets. Therefore, we need to find other covariates to characterize model complexity. A natural statistic is a model’s ensample performance, i.e., when a model fits the training data better, it exhibits stronger fitting power and is more likely to be complex. Thus, we add the ensample F1 performance in our regression model, and estimate:


where x1 is the width of each hidden layer, x2 is the number of hidden layers, and x3 is the in-sample F1 score. Table 6 shows the results.

Table 6.

Regression analysis for MLP with ensample covariate


Discussion. We find that β3 has a very strong negative effect on the optimal PWS. In other words when a model fits the in-sample data better, it needs a smaller PWS to better perform in test data. This finding confirms H2.


In this study, we revisit rules widely applied to determine class proportions during rebalancing, aiming to address class imbalance issues. Our work proposes to link the optimal class proportions/positive weight scalar (PWS) to the complexity of clinical predictive models used to solve class imbalance problems. Experiments on the opioid overdose problem showed that models based on our proposed framework improve in prediction. In addition, regression analysis found a statistically significant correlation between the hyperparameters controlling model complexity and PWS. The theoretical framework may be applied to solve a variety of class imbalance problems and improve predictive performance at near-zero cost.

Figures & Table

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Scatter plots between training and test F1 scores for lightgbm, catboost, multi-layer perceptron with weighted cost (mlp_wcost), and multi-layer perceptron with resampling (mlp_wsample).


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