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Figure 4

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Predicted and measured viscosities for 16 MMAb3.1 variants. (A) The distribution of measured viscosities for the 16 MMAb3.1 variants. The red line denotes the 15 cP viscosity cutoff. Five of the variants had measured viscosities below the 15 cP cutoff. (B) Confusion matrix summarizing the performance on the IL13 dataset. TN = true negative (model predicted low and it is true), FP = false positive (model predicted high and it is false, i.e., actual measurement value is low), FN = false negative (model predicted low and it is false, i.e., actual measurement value is high), and TP = true positive (model predicted high and it is true).

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  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4
  • Figure 5

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