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Genetics. 1993 Jul; 134(3): 943–951.
PMCID: PMC1205528
PMID: 8349116

Detecting Marker-Qtl Linkage and Estimating Qtl Gene Effect and Map Location Using a Saturated Genetic Map


A simulation study was carried out on a backcross population in order to determine the effect of marker spacing, gene effect and population size on the power of marker-quantitative trait loci (QTL) linkage experiments and on the standard error of maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) of QTL gene effect and map location. Power of detecting a QTL was virtually the same for a marker spacing of 10 cM as for an infinite number of markers and was only slightly decreased for marker spacing of 20 or even 50 cM. The advantage of using interval mapping as compared to single-marker analysis was slight. ``Resolving power'' of a marker-QTL linkage experiment was defined as the 95% confidence interval for the QTL map location that would be obtained when scoring an infinite number of markers. It was found that reducing marker spacing below the resolving power did not add appreciably to narrowing the confidence interval. Thus, the 95% confidence interval with infinite markers sets the useful marker spacing for estimating QTL map location for a given population size and estimated gene effect.

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Selected References

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