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FIG. 5.

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FRET measurements for MHC-I and GRP78. Energy transfer between MHC-I and GRP78 can be detected from the increase in donor fluorescence after acceptor photobleaching. (A) Donor (Cy3) image after acceptor photobleaching. (B) E image. (C) E as a function of the fluorescence of donor/acceptor antibody ratios of 1:1 (open ellipse), 1:2 (filled circles), and 1:4 (filled squares). Scale bar, 10 μm.

Images in this article

  • FIG. 1.
  • FIG. 2.
  • FIG. 3.
  • FIG. 4.
  • FIG. 5.
  • FIG. 6.
  • FIG. 7.
  • FIG. 8.
  • FIG. 9.
  • FIG. 10.

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