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Shear modulus of central nervous system tissue dissected from normal adult rat brain, PA gels, and fibrin gels (mean ± SD), measured by strain oscillation

Tissue or gelMean shear modulus (Pa)
Adult rat brain (2% oscillatory strain), G′(ω)330 ± 100
Adult rat brain (10 s of constant 10% strain), G(t)125 ± 40
0.01% bis-acrylamide 7.5% acrylamide (soft) gel, G′(ω)200 ± 50
0.3% bis-acrylamide 7.5% acrylamide (hard) gel, G′(ω)9000 ± 200
3 mg/mL salmon fibrin gel, G′(ω)250
18 mg/mL salmon fibrin gel, G′(ω)2150