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Table 2

Perceptions About Emphasis and Prevalence of Caring Attitudes

QuestionStrongly agree or agree % (n)Strongly disagree or disagree % (n)
Emphasis: Caring attitudes at this school are emphasized
Strongly during the preclerkship years89 (65)11 (8)
Strongly during the clerkship years90 (66)10 (7)
At least as much as learning scientific knowledge65 (47)35 (25)
The vast majority of students demonstrate caring attitudes by the time they graduate96 (69)4 (3)
Virtually all or most % (n)Some or very few % (n)
Modeling: How many consistently model caring attitudes toward students?
Preclerkship faculty79 (57)21 (15)
Clerkship faculty86 (62)14 (10)
Research faculty46 (32)54 (37)
House staff70 (22)30 (21)