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Figure 4

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CXCL5-stimulated proliferative and invasive responses. (A) N15C6 (light gray bars) or BPH-1 (dark gray bars) nontransformed prostate epithelial cells proliferated to significantly higher levels when grown for 72 hours in SF media supplemented with 10 pM CXCL5 than those grown in SF alone (*P < .001). Preincubation of the cells for 1 hour with 1 µg/ml antibody against CXCR2, the receptor for CXCL5, followed by supplementation with CXCL5 and maintenance of growth in CXCL5 + anti-CXCR2-containing media significantly ablated the proliferative response (#P < .001). In contrast, cellular growth after preincubation with an antibody against an unrelated chemokine receptor, CXCR4, followed by supplementation with CXCL5 and maintenance of growth in CXCL5 + anti-CXCR4-containing media was similar to that observed for non-pretreated cells grown in CXCL5-supplemented media and was significantly higher than that in SF alone (*P < .001). All data are shown normalized to growth in unsupplemented SF, which was set at one-fold. (B) N15C6 (LEFT) or LNCaP (RIGHT) cells were grown in SF media (untreated, UnT) or SF media supplemented with 10 pM CXCL5 for N15C6 or 100 pM CXCL5 for LNCaP (treated, T) for the times indicated. The cells were then harvested and assessed for nucleosomal DNA fragmentation. The fraction of cells exhibiting apoptosis plotted on the y axis was calculated as the difference in absorbance measured at 405 nm and at the reference wavelength of 490 nm after adjusting for background absorbance at both wavelengths. No significant differences in the fraction of cells exhibiting apoptosis were observed between treated and untreated cells at any time point, demonstrating that CXCL5 does not promote antiapoptotic responses in these cells. (C) Fifteen thousand each of N15C6 (black bars) or PC3 (gray bars) cells were plated onto Matrigel-coated membranes and were exposed to complete media or complete media supplemented with 20 nM CXCL5 for 24 hours. After 24 hours, the cells that migrated and invaded through the Matrigel were stained and counted. N15C6 cells did not demonstrate an invasive response to treatment with CXCL5. However, approximately six-fold more PC3 cells migrated through the synthetic basement membrane, Matrigel, in response to 20 nM CXCL5 compared to vehicle (control, set at one-fold) (*P < .05). PC3 cell invasion through the Matrigel in response to CXCL5 was significantly inhibited by pretreatment with 1 µg/ml blocking antibody (anti-CXCR2) (#P < .05) but not by pretreatment with nonspecific antibody (anti-CXCR4) (*P < .05).

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  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4
  • Figure 5
  • Figure 6
  • Figure 7

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