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Prostate. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 Sep 15.
Published in final edited form as:
Prostate. 2008 Sep 15; 68(13): 1477–1486.
doi: 10.1002/pros.20819

Table 4

Associations of IGF1, IGFBP3 and IGF1:IGFBP3 with Risk of Clinical BPH, stratified by age in the PCPT

Age 55–64 years
Age 65+ years
Clinical Case (n=244)Control (n=409)OR (95% CI)1Clinical Case (n=164)Control (n=295)OR (95% CI)1
IGF1 (ng/ml)IGF1 (ng/ml)
Q1 <182.556831.00Q1 <156.328581.00
Q2 182.5–<217.038820.69 (0.41–1.16)Q2 156.3–<197.741601.49 (0.81–2.74)
Q3 217.0–<252.445820.83 (0.51–1.37)Q3 197.7–< 232.831591.18 (0.62–2.22)
Q4 252.4–<304.957801.08 (0.66–1.74)Q4 232.8 – < 283.536602.29 (0.69–2.24)
Q5 ≥ 304.948820.89 (0.54–1.46)Q5 ≥ 283.528581.06 (0.56–2.03)
     P trend     0.76     0.93
IGFBP3 (ng/ml)IGFBP3 (ng/ml)
Q1 < 3685.468831.00Q1 < 3363.335591.00
Q2 3685.4 – < 4199.846810.71 (0.43–1.15)Q2 3363.3 – < 3838.140591.27 (0.70–2.29)
Q3 4199.8 – < 4653.352810.79 (0.49–1.27)Q3 3838.1 – < 4324.9295880.96 (0.51–1.79)
Q4 4653.3 – <5076.636820.54 (0.33–0.90)Q4 4324.9 – <5001.846601.36 (0.77–2.42)
Q5≥ 5076.642820.63 (0.38–1.03)Q5 ≥ 5001.814590.43 (0.21–0.89)
     P trend     0.03     0.13
IGF1: IGFBP3 molar ratioIGF1: IGFBP3 molar ratio
Q1 <.04547821.00Q1 <.04324591.00
Q2 .045– <.05131820.67 (0.39–1.15)Q2 0.43–<.05135601.43 (0.76–2.71)
Q3 .051–<.05860831.32 (0.80–2.16)Q3 0.51 – < .05638591.63 (0.87–3.07)
Q4 .058–<.06547811.06 (064–1.78)Q4 .056 – < 06333581.43 (0.75–2.73)
Q5 ≥ .06559811.32 (0.81–2.18)Q5 ≥ 0.6334591.40 (0.74–2.66)
     P trend     0.10     0.39
1Adjusted for BMI and race. Quartile 1 is the referent for all models