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PMC full text:
Pediatrics. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as:
Pediatrics. 2008 Jul; 122(1): e92–e99.
Published online 2008 Jun 9. doi: 10.1542/peds.2007-3709


Frequency of Cognitive Deficits in Children With CM and UM Compared With CC at 24-Month Follow-up

Cognitive AreaCM (n = 38), n (%)CC (n = 79), n (%)PaUM (n = 48), n (%)CC (n = 79), n (%)Pa
Attention7 (18.4)2 (2.5).0050 (0.0)2 (2.5).530
Working memory3 (7.9)4 (5.1).6803 (6.3)4 (5.1).999
Tactile learning3 (7.9)1 (1.3).1003 (6.3)1 (1.3).150
≥1 Impairment10 (26.3)6 (7.6).0066 (12.5)6 (7.6).370
aχ2 test or Fisher’s exact test, as appropriate.