Table 2

 Any breast feeding (exclusive or partial) as a proportion of those with known feeding behaviour

Primary and secondary outcomesMean (SD) breastfeeding rateMean difference between groups (95% CI for difference)*P value for difference*Non-participating localities† (overall proportion)
At 6-8 weeks
Pre-intervention0.27 (0.03)0.29 (0.08)0.38
Post-intervention0.26 (0.03)0.30 (0.07)−0.017 (−0.036 to 0.002)0.080.39
At birth
Pre-intervention0.50 (0.05)0.51 (0.10)0.59
Post-intervention0.51 (0.06)0.53 (0.09)−0.009 (−0.045 to 0.027)0.580.60
At 5-7 days
Pre-intervention0.43 (0.04)0.46 (0.09)0.55
Post-intervention0.42 (0.04)0.45 (0.09)−0.003 (−0.032 to 0.027)0.840.55
At 8-9 months
Pre-intervention0.22 (0.03)0.23 (0.04)0.28
Post-intervention0.21 (0.05)0.20 (0.06)0.007 (−0.056 to 0.070)0.820.25

*Adjusted for pre-intervention rate.

†Child Health Surveillance Programme data are for all NHS board areas that collect such data, excluding trial localities; Guthrie data are for all Scotland, excluding trial localities.
