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Figure 2

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GRP78 acetylation assessed inU251 cells treated with vorinostat (1 µM, 24 hours) and vehicle control using LC-MS/MS. The peptide was detected at 16.20 minutes in the total ion chromatogram (A) with a mass-to-charge ratio of 855.4332 (B). The tandem mass spectrum matched the sequence, (K)LGGAcKLSSEDKETOxMEK(A), indicating increased lysine-585 acetylation in vorinostat treated cells; the detection of y11 and y12 is consistent with this localization (C). The assignment was made with MASCOT with an ion score 35.8; SEQUEST XCorr 2.30 ΔCn 0.15.

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  • Figure 1
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3
  • Figure 4
  • Figure 5

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