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PMC full text:
J Comp Neurol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 Mar 9.
Published in final edited form as:
J Comp Neurol. 2003 Jan 20; 455(4): 463–476.
doi: 10.1002/cne.10491

Fig. 2

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Confocal micrographs of vertical frozen sections through mouse retina that were doubly labeled for NK3R and for the calcium-binding proteins CaB1 (A–C) and caldendrin (D–F). A: NK3R immunofluorescence. Many bipolar cells are labeled. The arrow indicates an amacrine cell body. B: CaB1 immunolabeling can be observed in many bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells. C: Superimposition of A and B shows that the NK3R-labeled bipolar cells from A and the strongly CaB1-immunoreactive bipolar cells from B correspond to the same cells. D–F: NK3R-labeled bipolar cells also express caldendrin immunoreactivity. Scale bar = 25 μm.

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  • Fig. 1
  • Fig. 2
  • Fig. 3
  • Fig. 4
  • Fig. 5
  • Fig. 6
  • Fig. 7
  • Fig. 8

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