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Table 2

Characteristics of the study population by glucose metabolism status.
Male (%)44.856.753.6<0.001
Age (years)52.8±6.755.2±6.256.3±6.1<0.001
Low education (%)24.430.030.40.080
Current smoking (%)21.022.921.10.001
Family history of diabetes (%)25.631.941.7<0.001
Fasting Plasma glucose (mmol/l)5.3±0.46.0±0.57.8±2.2<0.001
2-hour postload plasma glucose5.1±1.17.5±1.812.1±4.3<0.001
HbA1c (%)5.3±0.35.6±0.36.5±1.3<0.001
Triglycerides (mmol/l)1.3±0.71.8±1.12.4±2.8<0.001
HDL cholesterol (mmol/l)1.6±0.41.4±0.41.3±0.4<0.001
Total cholesterol mmol/l)5.4±1.05.6±1.15.3±1.30.023
Waist circumference (cm)87.7±10.695.4±11.8100.1±13.9<0.001
Hypertension (%)32.056.766.9<0.001
Data are %, means ± SD. P  =  p-values based on one-way ANOVA for continuous variables and χ2-tests for categorical variables. Abbreviations: NGM, normal glucose metabolism; IGM, impaired glucose metabolism; DM2, type 2 diabetes; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; SD, standard deviation.