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Table 2

Regression coefficients for behavioural outcomes

OutcomeBaselineFollow-upDifference at follow up1
(n = 207)
(n = 127)
(n = 213)
(n = 134)
Adjusted I-C difference (95%CI)2P value
Fundamental movement skills (mean scores SD)
Locomotor score23.1 (6.9)21.3 (6.5)25.2 (6.6)22.1 (6.6)3.41 (0.77, 6.05)0.01
Object control score20.0 (6.3)19.0 (5.7)22.8 (5.4)20.7 (5.7)2.07 (0.76, 3.41)0.003
Total FMS score43.3 (10.5)40.5 (9.1)48.0 (9.9)42.8 (9.9)5.33 (1.95, 8.71)0.003
Lunchbox items (mean serves SD)(n = 168)(n = 91)(n = 137)(n = 71)
Fruit serves1.0 (0.9)1.0 (0.8)0.9 (1.0)1.0 (0.9)-0.05 (-0.36, 0.26)0.75
Vegetables serves0.03 (0.2)0.12 (0.4)0.14 (0.5)0.15 (0.5)0.12 (-0.05, 0.30)0.16
Snack serves1.35 (1.3)0.83 (1.1)1.40 (1.4)0.94 (1.2)0.06 (-0.34, 0.46)0.75
Sweetened drink serves30.49 (0.7)0.55 (0.6)0.41 (0.5)0.52 (0.5)-0.13 (-0.27, 0.002)0.05
Total extra food/drink serves1.78 (1.5)1.31 (1.3)1.77 (1.5)1.42 (1.4)-0.6 (-0.45, 0.33)0.76
Lunch boxes containing > 1 serve of extra food/drink (%)Odds ratio (95% CI)4P value
Extra foods > 1 serve (%)49.429.751.437.50.90 (0.48, 1.70)0.74
Extra drinks > 1 serve (%)11.914. (0.12, 2.19)0.53
Extra food/drink > 1 serve (%)61.950.562.848.90.86 (0.43, 1.74)0.67
Lunchbox categories (%)
Balanced (%)29.839.529.139.80.85 (0.32, 2.25)0.72
Overloaded with extras (%) (0.33, 1.65)0.72
Unbalanced (%)31.126.436.523.91.18 (0.44, 3.14)0.72

1 The models for the differences between intervention and control groups were adjusted for baseline values, sex, SES, English-speaking background and clustering of preschools; 2GLM; 3Sweetened drinks = 100% fruit juice, fruit juice, soft drinks and colored drinks; 4Logistic regression models.
