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Table 1

Interview schedule

PHR issuesCategories
1. Can patients authorize another person(s) as a proxy for PHR access?Data access
2. Are minors able to access their PHR?Data access
3. Are patients able to view full EMR clinical progress notes?Data content
4. Can patients view an EMR full diagnosis list?Data content
5. Can patients control who sees what PHR data?Data control
6. Is patient self-entered PHR data able to be used for research purposes?Data re-use
7. Does 3rd party health related web based advertising occur on the PHR website?Advertising
8. Is there a “break the glass” function allowing PHR information to be available in emergencies?Emergency access
9. From when normal laboratory results are available to clinicians, how soon are they available to the PHR?Communication
10. What is the policy timeframe for clinicians to respond to patient PHR emails?Communication

EMR, electronic medical record; PHR, personal health record.
